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.*$ £ c R 'ra/ • . 

Teaching to diftilF all manner of Oyles 

from Gurnmes, S|)ices ? Secdcs,Rootes,HM5rs, 
-jtend Mincralls.&c. With their ftverall vcrtueJ# 

0 '* . out of limdry approved Authors* a I 

The fir ft Tart, 

« AS*' 

the Reackr. 

E ntle Reader, I bene forth y 
benefit , undertaken to pre* 
lent unto thee this Tratt of 
PbyfjcaQ and Philo fopbicaB 
Jecrets , divided into two 
parts , tn the firfi whereof is 
(hewed the true and perfeSb order to difliQ, or 
draw forth the Oyle of all manner of Gummes $ 
Spices, Seedes , f^ootes, and Hearbs, with their 
perfeft tafte,fmell, and vertues, gathered out of 
Jitndry Jttthors In the (econd is f hewed the true 
and perfect order to prepare, calcine, fubtime, 
and dijolve all manner of Minerals, and how 
you (hall draw forth their Oyles and Saks, which 
are mofl wonder full in their operations, for the 
health of mans body* 1 he benefit 1 doubt not but 


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§ifl be much unto them that / ball indearrour th * 
prattije thereof. So that what experiences foe - 
yer the learned jfwbor'toitb mucbcofl, and 
great travaile, bath digged out of hard flones, 
blomeoutfrombot fire, raked out fromfoule 
a/bes,tbatbafl thou here in this Booke to fee, 
and with peat eafe to-ufc at tby command • Jnd 
fol commend tbefamemtotbcc. 


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To make Oyles out of all manner of 
Gimmes, Spices, Seedes, Roots, & Heaths* 
Whcreunto is added foroe of their vertuts, ga- . 
thered outof (undry Authors. 

To make Oyle of Maflicfo. 

Ake the pureft Mafticke that maw 
begot, which is not mixed with 
Sandrake or fitch like, and- beateit 
to pe wder, then put it into a glaflc 
with a long necke, and put therein 
as much pure aqua vita, as will co- 
ver it three fingers high, and then 
flop .it clofe that it take no ayre, 
thenfetit in warmehorfe dong, ©rina fbft Balneo r untiU 
it be diffolved : then poure it into a glade, and put therein 
as much wine as you (hall thinke good, and diftill it with 
ahead, and receiver in land, with a (mall fire, and you 
lhall receive both oyle and water together,the which you 
fhallfeparateone from another. Then increafe your fire,&, 
there will come forth another oyle> which fmelleth 

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a \jt ferfe& order to mike Oyles. 

fomewfcatof the fire, and is beft to be u(ed outwardly.' 
Ye may reAifie it againe with a (mail fire, and lo it wilF 

The vermes of this Oyle. It is excellent againft all cold 
difeafcsof the maw : it comfbrteth the liver and the 
lites, and all other inward parts of the body. Being drun- 
ken, it helpeth thofe that vomit or fpitbloud: it confu- 
meth and breaketh all inward (ores. This Pyle being a- 
nointedon the belly, it ftoppeth the fiuxe,it ftoppeth wo- 
mens tearmes, it is alio good for the mother that is fallen 
downe, if you anoint it therewith, and the under part of 
the belly : it is good for yong children whofe arfe-gut 
commeth. forth, if you anoint it therewith, and put it up 
againe i it is al(b good for thofe that art bur ft if you anoint 
them therewith, and let them, weare a . trade fit fijr that 
purpofe : it helpeth frefti wounds very quickly if you a- 
noint them therewith, and lay thereon a cloth wet in the 
fame.Itfafteneth the teeth ifyou anoint the gununes ther- 
with: it comforteth a weake ftomacke, ana caufeth good 
digeftion if you anoint it therewith. 

This Oyle hath all the vertues of Mafticke, but it is a 
hundred times more enforce. 

i. ■ :> ’ . 

T 9 make Oyle of Mirra. 

T Ake pure Mirra that is new and fat, fixe ounces, and 1 
put itinto a glafle with a long necke, and puf there- 
on twelve ounces of pure rectified aqua vit* y then lute 
the glade faft, and fet it in horfe dung untill it be difiolved. 
Then poore it into an urinall with a head and a receiver, 
and diftill away the vita in Balneo, with a foft fire, 
and the oyle willremaine in the bottome, the which 
ftrs ine through a fine cloth, and keepe it in a glade. . His 
vertues are thefe. » 

This Oyieby his natural vertue preferveth al things from 
putrifaftion that is anointed therewith! likewife thefage 
and hands being anointed therewith, ft preferveth diem 

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A per ft ft order to mike Qylef, j 

in youthfall ftate,a long hclpcth all {linking fores . 

and wounds quickly: it helpeth paines of the eares,tf it be 
put therein. It preierveth the fight of the eyes, if you put 
one ortwo drops therein. Helpeth all paines of the Mo- 
ther ifitbe anointed therewith : it ftayeth the haire from 
falling : if any be troubled with a Eever , let him anoint 

his whole body therewith, and lay him downe to fweat. 

This oyle dryeth and confumeth all accidents after birth* 

Being drunke it maketh a fweet breath, and helpeth the 
cough,it is good againft ihort winde: it helpeth the ftitdi 
in the fide if you drinke thereof orie dramme •• itftoppeth 
the fluxe of the belly: it maketh a cleane voyce.The anne- 
pits being anointed therewith, it taketh away the flinch 
from thoie parts : if ye mixe it with wine, and wafli the 
mouth therewith, it will comfort die gummes and fallen’ 
the teeth : itis alio good for wounds in the head. 

If thou wilt ufe this oyle to preferve any prt, you fhall 
ufeitinthis order: firftmake a bath with fome fweet 
herbes, and then hold that part the which you will pre- 
ferve over the fume, that the poares may open , then dry 
it with a linnen cloth, then anoint it with this oyleand 
chafe it in : that being done, if there remaine any yelow- 
nelfe of the oyle, ve may wafh it away with white wine. i 

This oyle would be occupied when you are in the Stew 

T » make ojle of S tor ax Uqmda. 

*T Akethepureft Storax that you can get,and put it in a 
4 gUffe* with a long necfce, and fet it in horfe-dung for 
a moneth, chen take it forth and diftillit inanurinallthat - 
hath a wide mouth,infand, with a gentle fire , and you « 

fhall have both oyle and water, the which you lhall fepa- 
ratf, and keepe to your ufe. 

- jtifius write,th in his great booke of Diflillations, that 
thisoyle hath the fame vertues that the oyle of Mirra 
•ham : butthat it is a little morehotand pierqpg. 

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4 Jferfefttrdtr ti make Oyles* 

To make Ojle of St or ax Catamite. 

T His oyle may be made divers wayes, of the which ! 

will fhew you the beft. Take the pureft Storax that 
you can finde v and beat it into powder, then put it into ^ 
long necked glafle, and put thereon pure redified aqua 
viUy and lute the glaffe, then let it in warme dung , or in 
a foft Balneo a moneth.Tben diftill it in land with a Imall 
fire 1 , and thou {halt have both oyle and water, which you 
{hall feparate.You lhallunderftand,that towards the end 
of the diftillation, there will alcend a certaine matter like 
Manna, the which kplealant. 

The vertues of this oyle^ Three or four e drops being 
drunke, it comforts the breaft and lungs » and all inward 
parts : it helps the paines of the mother if it be drimke,and 
alfo anoint thofe parts therewith : it ftops the reume that 
fells to the breaft and necke : this being drunke, it makes 
a man merrie, and oflighteourage, but beware you take 
not too much. If you.puttwoor three, drops into the 
eares,it takes aw ay the, fingingyathem . - 

■ /: TomakoOjloofBctyamin'. '\\,J 

■ *' : : ' . • - • ■’ '-‘tT U : ; *• . OrMT 

T His is made asyou made the oyle of Storax Calamte, 
and is onely ufed in perfuming: fome diftill this Ben- 
jamin with role-water, but 1 thinke it will not be lo per- 
fed in finell, nor fo eafily’done, . - 

To make, Oyle ofGalbanum t 

T Ake the pureft Galbanum thou canft get , and put if 
l into aglafle, clole luted, then fet it in balneo Marie 
untill it be diffolved , then diftill it with a loft fire , and 
then will come forth a feire ydow oyle , the whichvee 

This oyle being drunke, is good againft air oldnough, 
• and 

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Afirfeft order to m&beoyles. j 

andfor fiich as are fhort- winded, and cannot eaiUy draw' 
their breath, but are al wayes panting and'br eathing. It is 
ilfo very good forfuch as are broken, andbriiifed within, 
and againft cramps,' and fhriftking of finews. This oyle 
being drunkein iwine with oyle of Mirra, is good againft 
ill Veitottie drunkerf ', err ihocinfo-the bodk tvith vetft^ 
mous darts or arrows.. Being taken in the fame order, it __ 
provoketh womens termes , and delivereth the dead 
childe. It hath the famevertuedf* aperfome thereofbe re- 
ceived in the feeret parts. This perfume doth alfo helpe 
wbiwen^taf‘bgTk«3d w T ith therifrng, or fttangHngof 
the Mother, and them that have the falling fickpefle, and 
beity* dayed : tc> the navel, it caufeth the matrix or-inother, 
that i&removed from his natuf all place, to fettle agaitie: 
This oyle doth mollifre andfoften, and draweth forth 
Hornes, fplinters , or fhivers, and coldhumouts, beingf 
milted with any convenient unouent. lt is good to anoint 
the fide aoainfr the ftopping-ahdhardneffe ofthefrtilt.The 
perfume or fent of this oyle, driveth away Serpents from 
the place where iris burned : and novenemous beafts 
havepower to hurt fueh as be anointed with the oyle of 
GMbanit*n,iA d if yemixe this oyle w ith the root or An- 
the fbed'Or robf -of Spoudil'&tMy and- touch any 
Serpent op itwpemoui* beaft-tberewith v St '<gtU&h them 
tO#e. ; • h>^.. . 

$18 isn't * • ,r)j rh^oijt! • 

_ ^T&mksOjiecf ; / * 

rj&t this Cflfttfrie'and ^&*veit iii ftrofig W iiid ; Ma 
Baines Mefowitito diftlllit in the Sand with a 
gentle fire. ■■■■' ■■■ • • • 

This oyle is good for the flitch in the fide : It taketh 
away the coughthat hatfexontinued long tit heipeth the 
fwelhng of the breaft, whereby the breath is flopped. It 
is very good againft the crampe j It warmeth the joynts, 
and heipeth the painesof the hijisiarid all fucMike difeafes 
camming of cold. It- is good for women that have greats 

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6 A per ft ft order to make Oyles: 

paine in their child-bed, if you anoint the noftrils there* 
with s for it driveth forth both the quicke and the dead 
fruit quickly ; being drunke with wine it helpeth againft 
poyfon,anqisalfb good againft the bytingof an Adders 
being put into the eye it taketh away fpots : you (hall 
note, that women with childe tnuft take great heed of 

To make ojlt of Opoponax. 

T Hisw made as is aforelaid> and bis vertues are theft. 

If you drinke thpeeor foure drops with wine , it 
helpeth the cough, and all impediments of the Milt: it 
f. helpeth alfo all impediments of the Bladder, and clenfeth 

it of all fcabs and fores: it helpeth the ftitch in the fide: it 
cauftthfpeedy delivery in women with childe*. it helpeth 
againft winde in the Matrix, and diilolveth the hardneffe 
of thofe parts, and cauftth the paine to ceaft. 


T His is made as is (aid afore,and his vertues are thefe J 
Ye fhall note that thisOvle is not to be occupied 
| ^ iqwardly, by reafonofhis gPeat neat j except it be mixed 

V with fome other thing:as if it be mixed with hony it pur* 

geth the belly marvelloufly : it helpeth thofe that are 
troubled with oblivioufneffe, if ye anoint the parts there* . 
with : it draweth forth thorites and fitch like out of the 
flefh : it helpetlf the byting of an, Adder : it is alfo good 
for ftiffenefle of the joynts commingofcold, ifye anoint 
i the parts therewith. 

I T o mak* Oyle ofAmbre otS*cci»uM, 

T Ake Amhre and beat it to powder, and put it into a 
glaffc with a head and a receiver, and diftill it in fand 
, with a gentle fire, and there will come forth both oyle 

! ioogle ' and 

perfect order to make Oylts. 7 

and water, the which ye ihall feparate one from another 
This oyle being perfedly diftilled,is good againft pains ' 
ot the head, and refolution of finews, and againft fwim- 
ming in the heady and falling ficknefle.If ye drinke there- 
of three or foure drops in the morning with Piony water 
it preferveth a man from all poyfons and peftiferous aires, 
if ye anoint the noftrils therewith , or put it into Tome 
medicine fit for that purpofe. It is excellent againft difea- 
lesofthe Bladder and reins, and drivethforth the ftone, 
and provoketh urine, if ye drinke it with Malmefey , or 
Parceley water, or iuch like. It helpeth the cholicke and 
choking ofthe Matrix, if you alfo anoint the parts there- 

With. It drivethforth the fruit, andcaufeth a woman to 

be faire delivered, if fl>e drinke three or foure drops, it is 
good againft all fluxes of the head . 

T o make Oyle of Amoniacum. 

^1 1 Ake this Gum me and put it into a glafle, clofe luted: 

4 and fet itin warmedung, or in Balneo MarU> untill 
it be diflolved, then diftill it in Hand with a head and a re- 
ceiver,and thou foalthave both oile and water ,the which 
ye lhall feparate one from another : ye lhall underiland 
that there will come forth more water then oyle, as I 
have proved many times. 

This oyle helpeth the cough comming of moyfture :ic 
purgeth the breaft, and helpeth ulcers in that place, three 
or foure drops being taken in an egge : it helpeth paines 
inthefide, if ye anoint it therewith . It diflblveth all bard- 
nefle and fw el lings, and taketh away the paines of the 
gout. Ifyemixe this oyle with as much oykof Cjalba- 
nttm, and a very little oyle of W Qtmwood,and anoint the 
milt, it taketh away all the paines: being mixed with 
oyle of W ormwood, and anointed in the navellit killeth 

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S Aftrfc&ordtr to mike Ojlet. 

To make Ojle $f SarcocoUa. 

T His is an excellent Balfame againft all wounds , and 
filleth them with fl elh : it purgeth all old fores, with- 
outpaine and (mart, itbreakerh hard impoftumes,it help- 
eth all running eyes, ifyou ufe it in a Collirie : it helpeth 
wheales in the eye-lids: Being drunke with wine it nelp- 
etb the reume that felleth to the teeth, and for that caufe 
it is ufedof thole that are troubled with abundance t of 
flemnaticke humours: You thall note that this oyle is Ipe- 
ciafiy ufed in ftelh wounds and old fores. Tlus oyle is 
.made as you made the oyle of Serapinunt. 

» . • • 

• To make Oyle ofCafioream. 

T Ake the fatteft that thoucanft get, and ftampe it 
well, then put it into a glafle , and fet it to putrifie 
■in Balnea Maria five or fixe dayes, then diftill it with a 
foft fire, and thou flialt have an excellent ovle. 

This is good againft aU cold Cramps and Palfies, being 
mixed with Rue and vinegar : and put into the noftrils it 
comfbrteth the braine , and taketh away paines of the 
head. Being anointed on the necke,and aub drunke with 
Wine, it helpeth much thofe that are troubled with the 
falling ficknefle : It helpeth convulfions and paines of the 
finews, if you anoint them therewith:being dranke with 
pepper and hidromell, it provoketh womens termes,aiid 
. alfo thefruit, it warmeth cold places, itisalfo excellent 
againft Appoplexia , it helpeth thofe that ate deafe, it 
moveth venery . It helpeth the Choticke, and the lufFoca- 
tion of the Matrix, and ftrengtheneth the naturall parts. 

To make Oyle of Frankincenfe. ' 

T Akc Frankincenfe as much as you will,andput it into 
aretost of glaife, well luted : And pat ther euntofor 

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A perfeB order to mtke oylesl . p 

every ponnd of ftuffe,foure ounces of cleane fand, and 
then diftill it with a gentle fire, untill all the fubftance be 
come forth, and thou fhalt have both water and oyle, the 
jyhich ye mu ft feparate. 

Thewater is good againft winde in the ftomacke if it 
he drunke : it is alfo good for chops in the hands and feet, 
if ye wafhthem therewith, ana anoint them with the 
oyle againft the fire, and ftraitwayes put on a paireof 
gloves, andfo doing three times, they fhall be whole. 

This oyle helpeth fimple wounds in three or foure 
dayes, if ye anoint them therewith, and lay thereon a 
clotlrwet in thefatne»it prefqrveth all flefhfrom pu tri- 
fling and alteration, and taketb away the paine : It help- 
eth all aches and bruifes if ye anoint them therewith. Ye 
|hall pote that you muft ufe no tent where you occupie 
this oyle, but wafh the woundcleane , and /oyneit , or 
ftitch it clofe together, and then lay thereon a cloth 
wet in the fame. For if yeifall a tenting, ye make work? 
for the Chyrurgeon.. 

To make Oj leof Turpentine. 

*T;Afce pure and cleane Turpentine as much as you wiH; 
* and put it into a glaflc, fo that three parts bee empty, 
and put therein a certaine quantity of land , as much as 
you fhall thinke good, then diftill it in land with a fof* 
fire, and there will come forth fbure liquors : The one 
is a cleare water, the other a cleare-oyle,the third a yeiow 
oyle, the fourth a red and (linking,, the which a number 
©t Apothecaries do fell inllead of Tinlme : Yelhail note 
that the fir ft oyle ishote, th. iecond hotter, the thircl- 
fiotreft of all, and not fo good to vccupie mwardly , a % 
tbefirfib * 

Tafopiut in his booke of fecrets writeth, that this oylef 
wtHfielpefrefti wounds in foure and twenty hoores , if 
ye anoint them therewith, and lay th^rton a cloth' wet* 
ttchtiau*. It ^ 

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fo jtferftft trdtr t» msh OyUs: 

coonuagofcoU : itprovoketh arise « if ye clris^e one 
dramujeof the fir ft oyle -in white Wine: itbreafceth 
winde inthe holy, and diflolvcth the Piurifieand Peni- 
tent Fever : it provokethan appetite if ye anoint the fto* 
macke therewith. It helpeth again it cold dileales of: the 
Maw, and helpetha ftinking breath, and the cough. 

- ' ^ 

TomakeOjif of fyaxt. J ‘ 

TTAke new yelow Ware as much as you (hall thiske 
. good, and melt it on the fire, then powre it inro l weet 
Wine, and wring it betweene your ban. Is, the. r ihtiftt 
againe, and powre it into wine a game, an d this voo fluff 
no five or fixe times at the leaft, and every time yeri mall 
have freth wine, then at the la ft yon ftiallptie it into a re- 
tort of glafle, well luted with his receiver, and diftitl it in 
land, and there will come forth a feire yelow oyle, the 
which will cengeale like pappe when it is cold . 'Ye ihaif 
underftand that for every pound of Waxe, ycefhali par 
thereto foure ounces of tne powder of brickes into the 
glafle. ' 

RnymoHdt Lullte greatly commendcth this oy!e ? ap- 
proving it rather to bee acdeftiall or divine medicine, 
then humane » for becaufe this in wounds worfceth moft 
miraculoufly, which for his marvellous commodity , is 
not fo wellro bee uled of the common Cbirurgion: 
caufe this precious-oyle healeth a wound, he thefarhene- 
wfobigge or wide, being aforewide ftktfiedup, m thfc* 
(pace of eleven daves or twelve at ehemofhBut thoftthat 5 
are fmall, this oyle healerh in three or fburedayts, by an-' 
dinting oncly the wound therewith , and laying thereof 
aclothwer inthe fame. - " .. " ; “ It 

Alfo for inward difeafestbis , oyl^ worketh mrr£c?jps ! :' 
Forifyotrgibe tmddr^ja ; at?itriu»fe wdrinlte with White 
wine, to j&ysththe dWtehaftr* eithefWtSMr 

head orbeard, feyahdftrn nfg the place therewith V* ^fbfe-£ 
nKgritdikne^ vrhi drftfl.^y t^‘ 


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\jiftrfeU §rdtr U make Oylesl 1 1 

it helpeth flitches and paines intheloynes, if yon drinke 
theforefaid quantitie with white wine: It helpeth the 
cold Gowtror Sciatica, and all other griefes comming of 
cold. Ye fliall underftand, that if yon redtifie this Oyle,it 
wiU’congeale no more, but then it w ill be too hot to take 
inwardlyj for it pierceth mtrvelloufly, and is good to be 
mixed with other medicines to caufe them to pierce the 

To makf the JHuinte fence of Honey, 

\TOu £hall underftw^ dyjt; jHoney is a liquor rather di- 
Tj. vine then humane, becaule it falleth firom heaven up- 
onthe heaths, and is fuch a fweet thing, that the like can- 
hot be found uponrfae earth. And this Raymond huUie 
pallcth the flower of flowers, becaufe Bees gather it upon 
the flowers in the field. And truely it is a moft ftrange 
thing if wee would confider well the qualitie of honey 
and waxe: and therefore the wife Barack Artifice in the 
Academe of Avicent did write this fentence, Mel dentro, 
& olio di fuori , fiti$fying us by this, that honey and oyle 
were die firft two liquors iri the world. And truely it is 
fo if we confider well, ask may well' be proved by holy 

The order to make this guintt fence is thus-: Take two > 
pound ofperfeft pure honey, andputit into a great glafle, , 
that foure parts of five may remains emptier Lute it well 
with a head and receiver, and give it fire untill there ap- 
peare certaine white fiimes, which you fliall turne into 
water with wetting of -clothes in cold w ater,and hying 
them onthereceiver,and head : -and they will tome in- 
to water of a ted colour like bloud. When itisalldiftil- 
rodkeepe the glafle ck>fe fliut, and let it ftand tiH it bee 
eleere,and in the colour of a Rubine. Then diftill it in 
J^alneo Maria atleaft fixe or (even times, and fo it will 
lofehis red colour, and rem^ioe in die colour of gold, ha* * 
' vise / 

i » Aptrfe# order to mike Gyles'. 

vMig a great fmell, and fip pleafant, that the like cannot be 
found m the world. 

This Qttinteff'ence diflolveth gold, & maketh it potable? 
and likewife any fort of Iewell that is put therein. It is 06 
fuchvertue,that ifanybea dying, and drinke two or 
three drammos thereof, presently he will recover, as the 
JghnHteffcHee of winewill doe. If you wafh any wound 
therewith, or other fore, it wUl heale quickly. It isalfo 
good againft the Cough, Catarre, and paines of the Milt, 
and many other difeafes which I will not {peake of: for,; 
but few, and they very hardly, will beleeve the greatver-* 
tue and operation thereof. ^ '• 

I gave this fixe and forty dayes unto one that had the 
Palfie,andhe washolpen. Ithdpeth alfo the fitllingfick- 
neffe, and preferveth die body from putrifa&ion, fo that: 
by thefe you may perceive that it is a celeftiall medicine; 
If therefore any vertuous man would take a little paine in 
the experience hereof, he fhall doe wonderfiill things, as 
many tames I have done, fo that the people deemed that 
I wrought by inchantment, when as indeed I did it by 
vertue of this liquor, miniftring the fame fo privily, that 
they could not fee it, which fell out to ray great honour, 1 
and benefit of the ficke. And therefore I would wifh them 
that profefle Phyficke and Chirurgerie, to ufe fiich expe-> 
rience, whereby commeth honour and gaine to the Phy- 
fitian, and profit to the Patient. 

(To make Oyle of Lignum vit tor . ' 

’’T" Ake the frefheft Wood that thou canft get, and make 
1 it in powder, then put itintoaveffell of glaflewell 
luted, and fet it in horfe dung, or in Balneoxo digeft, then 
takeit forth and diftill itwim a gentle fire, as thou woul- 
deft diftill Nutmegs, and thou (halt have both Oyle and 
W ater, the which thou (halt feparate by themfelves:tben 
take the feces and put it into a new earthen pot, and fet 

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\j4 ferfcB trier it m&ieOjlcs. t\ 

It in a furnace of reverberation, unrill it be burnt into 
aihes, then take that allies and make thereof a Lee with 
Fumetarie water, and when thou feeft that the aihes will 
make the warer no more fharpe,caft them away, and let 
the water fettle deere, then vapour away the water with 
a ibft fire, and in the bottome will remaineafalt, the 
which you ihall diffolve and congeale untill it becleere, 
Mid faire, as Sal atron or Entaliie , then keepe it to thy 
life: the water is to drinke with wine. 

• ' The oyle is to anoint the fores, or aches, and thefeltis 
to pnrge, and the order to ufe it is thus : Either in the 
Poxe, Gowt, or the Ealfie. 

Firft you ihall purge the Patient well with this. Take 
of the felt halfe a fcruple, Tberiaca Alexandria two 
drammes, mixe them and give them thereof halfe a fcru- 
ple ata time. You ihall give this three or foure times, ac- 
cording to the infection of the difeafe, for in this felt is 
vertue to purge allhumors that * caufeth the Gowt, the 
Ealfie, and the Poxe, and fuch like hath not beene found, 
neither by vomiting of purging. Then whenthe Patient 
is wellpurgedjifi the Patient have any fores or holes, yoii 
-ihall mundifie them with this <fdt, and when they are 
mundified, yon ihall drefie them twice a day. with the 
oyle^intill they be whole,but if the patient have ho holes, 
you (half anoint thefe places where Kee focfeth ache oc 
griefs : Alfo everymorning early in his bed» ihd at night 
an houre after iupper, you, fhall give buna goodipoone- 
foil bf the water with Rheniih Winerto vdriiuce* and let 
him fweat thereon well, alfo bee fhall ufe this with his 
meate if he will. Y ee ihall underftand that the cure lyeth 
not in meate nor drinke, but in the medicine, and there- 
fore keepe him not too hungry; but let him have good 
meate, and well fea'oned with fait, and let him drinke 
wine, and ib ufing chi# order, thou fhalt beabletohelpe 
die Gowt, Poxe, or Palfie. 


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14 ptrftB trier t$ mttke Ojleu 

To maksOyle of Butter. 

T" Alee new frefh Butter as much as you will* and putit 
1 in a retorte of glaffe, well luted : and there will come 
forth three liauors, the which you mull feparate. 

This Oyle .doth pierce marvdloufly, and .taketh away 
the pames of the gowt, if you anoint them therewith : if 
you anoint the hands and face therewith it will preferve 
them feire :it is alio good for thofe that are troubled with 
a Catarre, if you give them thereof an ounce failing, for 
prefendy it ariveth to the ftomacke, and moUifiedi the 
Catarre, in fiich order as you (hall fpit it forth at the 

TomakeOyteof Egget, 

TAke Egges and feethe them hard, then takeforth the 
y elke* and ftam pe them in a alerter, then puttbemin 
a frying panne, and fet them over the fire, and continual* 
iynirrethemundll you fee them turae to Oyle, then take 
them forth, and put them into a Canvas bagge, and prefle 
k forth. This Oyle belpes wounds with great ipeede it 
makes the haire of the head or jbeard blacke : it takes a* 
way the pauses of the Emrndcs, it is excellent aeai nil: bur* 
ning wiui fire, or folding with water : you {ball under* 
-fiand,tlns oyle may be made very perfeftoy theartof di* 
filiation without iffipreffion, as ' X have proved divers 

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Gc . ^Ie 

nji ftrfc& order n mulct Ojtesi 


Here besinnetfa the order to make Oylcs 

of all manner of Spices and Sccdcs. 


To took* Qjle of CmamoH. 

jAkeCinamonas much as you will, and 
ftampeitgrofly : then put it into a glaflc 
with pure aqua viu, and 16 let it Uand 
five or fixe dayes, then diftiE it with a 
fmall fire, and there will come forth both 
oyle and water, thewhichyou fliallfe- 
parate one from another, for the oyle will finketotbc 
cottome : fome u(e to diftill this with wine, and Come 

with rofe water. 

You lhall underhand that this oyle is of a marvellous 
nature, for it pierceth thorow flefh and bones, and is ve- 
ry hot and dry, and is good againft all cold and moift 
difeafes, and in fpeciall for the heart and head, mfomuch 
that ifa man lay lpeechlefie, and could leant draw his 
winde, it would prefently recover him againe, 16 that 
his time benotyet come : mod miraculous ta fee : and 
to be fliort, this Oyle is of fiich operatic and vertue,that 
ifa man drinke never fo Uttle, he foall feelc thp working 
fa his fing ers and toes with great marvell: and tberfore pierceth through the whole body, and 
hdpesalldijfcdes that aFC come througbcold and negatit* 
ticke matter . This oyle ishgtand (harpe: it digeftethand 
makes thinne, and driveth downe womens termes : it 
helpes women that bavegreatpaines and (mart in their 
travell, and brings forth their fruit, if you give the 
B*t*enta, little of this pyk* with nyle of Min? in 
wut- vo dfinke, and anoynt pnjajherewith- The 

’’ faoeandhandsb eing.a oomted witRsiray W* d;iyet$ ? j 
away the Mefdi^Bj^. .Tt vritipeth the brea^g 

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Google • 

\6 A ftrftft order to vukt Oylei. 

helpes the cold cough: it confumes ail cold duxes that pro- 
ceed from the braineajid head, andcaufetb quiet fleepe. 

This oyle may bee occupied in fteadof the natural! 
Balme,for many difeafes : ye fhall note that the water of 
Cinamon is alfo ggptd again ft theaforefajd difeafes, but 
yet nothing ot fo much force as the oyle, for one drop of 
oyle will doe more good, then foure fpoonefiils of die 
water,. therefore they would be ufed together. 

To make oyle of tows. 

His oyle is made in this order : Take the beft Cloves: 

' thou canihget, and beate them gro fly, then put them 
into pure wine into a glafle,With a long necke ck>(e kited, 
then fet it in warme horfe dung the fpaee of a month, 
then diftill it in land with a foft fire, and thou (halt have a 
fair e oyle, which will finke to the bottome, the which 
you fhallfeparatet and hisvertues are theft. 

It ftrengtheneth the braine, head, and heart, and revi* 
veth tbefpirits, itfervethagainftallcold difeafes, it con- 
fiijneth allevill flegme : being outwardly applied; it bath 
great vertue in healing, andmay be occupied in fteadof 
Balmefor Wounds. One or twodreps takeffiti the mer- 
lins with wine, 1 helpes a ftinking breath t k makes the 
heartmerry, and cleanfeth the filtbinefle thereof^ and os 
peneth theliver that ie flopped « being put into the eye*, it 
cleeres the fightr it comforts a cold ftomacke, and canfeth 
gooddigeftion, it’ purgeth melancholic : this oyle may be 
*>adei nmantu (fhrifti with fkgar, and they wulhavcthe 
aforefaid vertue and ftrength. , . . ' . 

To make Oyle of Jintmegs^ 

T^ is °y} ris as t^oyteof Cibvcs, and wiftfwiifi 

1 .HEJ? wingptif^u diftilf this againein BaMto-, 
wilFbe nvoft pure and febtle, andmawfee kept 'an- hua^ 
wed yeeres in h& perfeft ftren^li^Pertner wL- •. .•/ f 
s *‘ ’* This 

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k ^4 ptrftd order to w*ke OyUsl 17 

Thii oyle being druhkfe with wine, driveth ' downe 
womens termes, and alfo the quicke and the dead fruit : 
and: therefore women with childe fhall not occupy this 
oyle, untill they be in travell with childe, and then it cau- 
feth them to be feire delivered without paine and danger: 
being-drunkewith wine, it takes away all paines of the 
head comming of cold: it comforts the maw, and opens 
the liver, milt, and kidneyes, and Inch like, it is excellent 
againftbeating of the heart, and feintnefie and founding, 
irye drinke thereof, and anoint thermion of theheart 
therewith : it makes good bloud, and expelleth flegma- 
ticke and melancholie humors, and makes a man merry : 
being ufed at night, it takes away all fancies and dreames: 
if any had a wound, or had brokena ribbe within turn 
with a fell, let him drinke this oyle with any flight 
wound drinke, and itwitt helpe him although hee were 
almoftdead :itis good mail filthy fores which are coun- 
ted oncurable : itis alfo pretious for all cold difeafesofthe 
joyttts and fincwes: it makes a fweet breatteif thefpleene 
doe fwell, ye fhall anoint therewith the left fide: it helpe 
allaffo&s in the bladder ifitbe drunke. <■ r: : f > ' 

^TomdkfOjleofM»trbt- '^ <’• 

n».t •-.!» v : 

THis Oyle is madeas aforefait^andishot inoperation, 
* it hathgreatvcrtueagainft the cboSteffe, wmchcom*- 
meth of cold caufes, or or a rheume, defcendirigfromthe 
head: it comfortsthe heart, the ftomaeke, and thewomb, 
itisgood ihtheftrangurie, and attcolddifeafes: ifyee 
drinke thereof three or foure drops foiling, with a fpoon- 
fullofwine or broth, or eate two or 'dri- 

ft* made therewith. 

; TamditeQjU of Pepper* ! r ' 

’J'His Oyle isdiftilled as isfeid afore, and is verydeere 
r and light, and his vermes are thefe. - 

B 3 This 

:ed by 


j8 A Ofdtru m*ke tit-fits. 

This Oyle hath more Vertue theft the Pepper hi® in 
piercing, and (peciaUyiitthecholiicke, ami other weake 
places iilled with flegme, ityou take thereof threexw: four 
drops with onefcrople of foe^uyee of a Qujnce,cw» hours, 
afore the fit, after the body is well putted, and letbloud, 
it ftayethalio the (baking at foe firft time, or eke at the 
feoond*ittaketha\vay,the fit. 

Ye foallnndchlbnd foat thkojde is ooely the ayrie 
part, feparatted from the other elements , Ilawonce fofo 
oyle raaide ofa Germane, which had foe perfect tafke,(a- 
vow, andfeatU, and wasfbhot on the tongue, as oyle of 

Tim4k£9jl«»f StffrQtt. 

XAkefoe 'beft Saffron tbaucanftgct, and pot it' into a 
- ek^>«ndpnttjiem« piire ne&tfkd tqm tmu, tkm 
fet itinwarmeharfexhmgnmomks 
^mdAW&ttiA B4pe<> Mtrit with a fafeifire, turtfllail 
i***beflbme;fotfoi. tbeotake forth fo«ia®on 
and prefle it in a prefle,»%4efor foatputspofe, wfethfolia 
ftrongcanvafle bagge, and you (hall have both oyle and 
water, which yot^*Rdjfgdbfttfeerfi»e dates, and then 
(eparate them by art. 

. Jttfe ayte hedfWBkebwifo Winedtoaksa^miforoar- 

anoint thc?fomptes of 
an^tweroomfeWithfoinke, kwiUbelpehim. Ifaroyk 
he»g /tinted oh^nt, Anthonies it quonefaethiti 

^pdipteferyes fofcplacje s this oyle being nfetedi withwo* 

. pieasmiiht, feeapfcfo the runotag ot the eyes ; being 
o«fo^eatt, «:makefo it twenty. The head 
ins anointed with this oyle, it provokes fleepe v byjrctdon 
whereof the antient Doftors heretofore did ufe it to fitch 
as were mad, ai)©y»ting thetempksxterewith s itclean- 
feth old fores. 

■ l. . ..'i. v v . ; {..r.„ t ; .v> 

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fir ft Si order to metce Oyles, j 9 

T*m*k*\Oyle ef 

•J^A beats much Annife* feed as thou wilt, and beat it grof. 

Ty,then irifofe it inftrong winefoure or five day es, and 
diftill it in a gourd with a head and receiver, in find, and 
there will come forth both oyle and water , which thou 
lhaltfeparate. * 

^ This oyle being drunl^ewith winein the morning faft- 
ing,thaketfr a man to haVeafweet breath jif ye put a little 
irito'diC noftrils when you go to bed,and anoint the tem- 
ple* therewith: it takes away aft paines co mining of cold, 
and eatffetb the patient to deep quietly : itis good againft 
Wtiide in tfe guts and ftomto^todvmi&ife'the paine tfe 
ceaSi'i if" fe dr lake three or foure drops-i’ 1 tod' tooin t die 
fiotnacke therewith : fe breaketh alfo flegme,and caufeth 
it tft cortte forth at ' the mouth : it provoked^' Veherous 
aftfc and dfivefh forth poyfcn by fweat siftis- mofe excel- 
lent for thbfe that ahe foort- winded, todttoiwt feticfe 
their breath but with great paine V it 'comforttth the? 
Wtoft tod lungs : it breaketh the ftoneia therein es and 
bladder: itis good againft the bloudie fluxe todpife*. If 
any cheft be anointed therewftb/flWift noefirffotootfts' 

to breed therein. 

1 .. • r \ ^ a , . 

T 0 make oyle &f Fennell-feed. 

cpHfe is made as is afbtefeid, arkthfeverfoeS wethefel It 
- r -fe btjftfexOelleritagainft' all j^Sjgitftt*£ey^ 
tbatif a mail W&e almoft blinde, fewoiHatetoVer hfS 
%hc 9 gaine>'ifhe drikke*hereofonce'aday,toddropone 
drop into’ the eye morning tod evening :■ it mak&fi a 
fweet breath, and comforts the head of cold humors : it 
comforteth the maw, andopetieth the liver and milt that 
is flopped : it helpeth the dropfie and yelow jaundife of 
what caufiioever it be > in hot difeafes ye mtift occupy fe 
whh cold waters.and in cold difeafes with wine: Ex 
tkiihfos Herm/unt-. <o V'-.- w '"1 
\ : v ; B 4 This 

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a o Kjtferftd order to moke Oyltt. 

This oyle as writeth Evommtu t breakcth the done in 
thereines, and provoketh menftrueandurine:it comfor- 
teth theftomacke, andbrcaketh winde, this oyle may be 
made in manut f'hrilH, with Sugar, and is very pleafant, 
and hath thefeue feme vertue. 

To make Oyle of Cumin-feed. 

'T'Jiis oyle is made as is afbrefaid , and is good agaiufl . 

* wounds, that pierce the fplene: itisaifpgioft exsrifentu 
to Matter and breake all die windineffe of the ftomacke , , 
die belly, thebpweU apd inatrixialfo itis 

griping toyfnems,and gnawings qr frettiiigs oftbfibeUjY 
nor onelvto bcufjbd inwardly, but, to be put into gliders*, 
or to be layed to outwardly with barley ^ieal^-This o yle 
being drunke with wine, ; is good fortbofe that are hurt 
with any venemous beads : this oyle either eaten in Afs- 
nut Chrijli i or drunkeiswery profitable for §ich ; as have: 
the cough, and have taken cold, and for thole whole 
breads arecharged or , flopped. Thfs oyle being Me much, 
tried, decayed] die nfturali complexion and livelycolour, 
caufingonetoIookewaHneandpale. y'rs'.r’:^ yen 

,! 1 ! : i 1 ' 

To make Oyle of (farrow ay-feed. 

• ■ . r - ' -\1f * TV' 

'J'His oyle is made in the aforefaid order , and is very 
good apdconvenient for the flomacke , and for the 
mouth* it helpeth diceftion ^and provokethuripBrit fwa- 
gethanddiflblveth all kinde of windinef&aod bladipgk 
df the inward parts. And to conclude,k4$< an(werabie<eot 
theoyleof Annife-feed, in vertue and operation. . , 

To make Oyie of Dillrfted . : r' ; > - ■ i 

made in the afcrefaid order : This oykhe, 
ing eaten in mamu Chrifti, pr drunke with wine, Can* 
feth women to have great plenty of iniUce Itv drivrith 

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A ftrfcfl order to nukt Oylts. a l 

away ventofitie or windinefle, and fwageththe biddings 
and griping torment of the belly: it ftayeth vqmhiag and 
lasfces, and provoketh urine ; it is very profitableagainft 
the fuffocarion or ftraneling of the matrix, if ye caule the 
women *q fit over the fiime of it in a clofe ftoole/or that 
purpofe this oyle being eaten in tMnus Chrifti ftayeth die 
yexeorhiquet. .. , . - ••• 

: This ^ylehealeth hofto wand moy ft ulcers, and efpeci- 
ally in the (hare or privy parts , this oyle doth digeft and 
teiplveand fwage pajgfcjtftd upenadx all .raw andunr ipe 
humours. This oyle may not be too much ufed inwardly, 
for it dimimftieth.the fight the foed of generation, 

: / To m*k$ oyle of T^rcelej-feed^ 

i ' . ■ 

’J'His oyle is made in the aforelaid order, and his vertuet 
is to open obftrudions of the liver and kidneys: it pro- 
voketh menftriie,ifit be drunke with convenient liquors: 
it caufeth a good appetite and digdtion.and comforts the 
ftomacke .* it drivetn forth the ftone and gravell,and pro- 
voketb urktf, and isa remedie again ft allpoyfons,: itdri- 
veth awayU bladings and wiadiaefle : .itisjaUo good 
agaittftthe cough, if it be mixed with medicines made for 
that purpofe. 

To m*ke Oyle of Rue or Herbgrace. 

# : « . f 9 

His oyleis made of the feed of Rue being putrified in 
wine. : 

^ • Cdrd***> Wrieeth that this oyle being petfeftly. made, 
is of great verme againft poyfon being drank with wine, 
lor it caufeth the patient to avoid it by vomit, att die firft 
time be.taketh its and atchcfecond time it expclieth the 
other eyilt humours that are infetfted therewith : and at 
the third time it cureth. the. patient, and maketh him 
.wholejtand tfaisisdone in three or fbure dayessit helpcth 
. aKb alfdifeafes of the eyes, of what caufe foeyerirbe, fi> 

Digitized by L^ooQle 

23 A perfect order to moke Oyles. 

thsftttoe apple of the eyebe riot periled. Theufeof this 
pyle to the eye, is to anoint it twice a day , or wafh the 
eye With the water of Rue, and drop one or two drops in- 
to the eye. 

This oylebeingdrunk, fufferetn no poyfon to rematne 
in man that day : nr a man drinke thereof failing which is 
fere wounded, and that we other cure be had according- 
ly, he ftiaU eafily efcape. This oyle being dhmketafceth 
stWay the gout and dropfie fprung of a cold caufe : it re- 
ftores all Hummed member* taken Withthe-PaHey, if you 
anoint them therewith. 

€«rd*ftm alfc affirmeth in hwJecond boofee De Subt '%- 
litAtc, that there are certaine poyfons which flay with 
their onely touching, againft Which pOyfon, faith he, die 
beft remedy is, not to tarry in any place untill thy hand 
waxe hot, but often bathe' the parts with warme water, 
and anoint them with oyle of Rue perfe&ly diftiHed. 

f1 1 TomakeOyUcfivie. 

T&iioyle is made as isaforefaid, and 
thefedifeafesfollowing. ■ 

Agaiwftgripings orwindeintheguis : ag&tnft<fr*»i 
rheam and paines in the neckecomming of a Gatarre:diis 
oyle may be compared to Balme, three or foure drops be- 
ing drunke tit doth prevent die rifekteiow of finews, the 
Jailing ficknefle, and other difeafes of the braine : it pre- 
fttvem tfcebodic from dlpayfon iaftd^Jitent airef, it 
comforts acold ftomacke : it ftayeth vomiting:itpurgeth 
the rentes t itbmketbthe ftomvit it 

he^ctb the ehollidst and paine* of thegn»* ft l*lp*h 

pam«.in:theiiMnackeand k«mrhjisgodd agidnft die 

dropfie aid waterbetweehwtesluiw^aBdthe fleifhi it 
J™ wormts: Tobe&ort, ithelpethall (iekmCmbers, 
ay thevmne offe piercing being anointed outwardly, it 
ftayeth confiiinptions titiidpethicabs and old evitt ul- 
cersijthdpeth paanesefthe feips^iegoot andcho&cke* ✓ 


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ptrfeft arder 0)Us. jj 

tt helpeth thechops in thehandsand feet. 

: PMppM* H*rm*»us writeth, that if thisoylebc teefti- 
fied againe, it will be m hundred times more purer and 
morepierting, for. I have feene tfaofe that could not make 
water in three or fonre dayes; and after theybaye dronke 
fcore -orfive drops ofthis oyte r and anointed therewith 
the riegionoftbehladdeTiprcftndy they have made water 
withoweai^tanridBg. v . 

This oykisib excellent agamft thepeftilence, that if 
any drjnke thereof oheadoaes, he fhall not bee mfedteds 
although he were inthe hoofewhenethe Peftilenoe h.But 
if any have the piague already , let him drinke three or 
foure drop in wine and la/hmi dpwne to fweat and the 
next day he fliaU be well againe. 

This oyle )& fo excellent againft poyfon , thatifa mdn 
ufe it there will no poyfon remaine with him : jt ftceng- 
theneth the Maw and all inward parts, and principally it - 
warmeth the heart : itftoppeth the bloudie fluxe : it is al- 
fb good againft all difeafes of the kidneis and bladder : if 
ye drinke it with wine it ftoppeth womens termes : thi®» 
■oyjeheing maokitedfrotn the navell of a woman to the- 
jirivic parts andrefnes of the backe , it ftrengtheneth the 
Matrix or mother* and fhrieth tip the moyflure therein, 
and prepareth it to conception. : . 

This laid oyle of lumper being made up with fegar-in 
Manns Chrifti , hatshthe forefaid viertues . 

: Xl*m*k£Oyte rfRofemarfarflewers* 

XAlce Rofemarie-flowersjgnd ftaaipe them, then put it 
into aglafte with ftrohgwine.and ftop itclofe.then fee 
itjn-tbe Sonne five or fine dayes* and then diftjftk witha 
fbft fire, and thou (halt have both water and oyle, the 
which you (hall feparate and 1 eepe clofe in a glade , and 
his vertues are theft. ^ 

_ It helped) againft. all paines in the head, although they 
have continuedfeven yeares : it comforteth the memory, 


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a 4 ftrfcSt order to moke Ojles. 

andalfo preferveth the eyes , if you drinke thereof nA* 
and then a drop or two, and put another into the eyes. It 
helpeth tfaofe that are deafe, if it be put into theeares,and 
alio drunke with good wine : It openeth all (loppings df 
the liver and milt, and helpeth againft the dropfie andye- 
low jaundile: it breaketh winde, and helpeth the Cho- 
lkke, and riling of the mother: it is alio exceHestfbr thofe 
that have drunke poylon , or that are tnfeded with the 
Peftilence, if you drinke thereofa little and lay you down 
to fweat : It comfbrteth the heart , and cleanfeth the 
blood, and maketh a man metric , and caufeth a good co- 
lour, and this oyle is mod excellent (or thofe, that arc hill 
ofitchandfcabs. And to be (hort, it helpeth all the difea- 
fes ofthe bodie, that come of cold and moift humors , al- 
though they were never £b evill : it helpeth the Canker 
and Hftulaas, and fuch like. 

To moke Ojl* ofwtlde Ttfno. 
oyle is made as is aforefaid. 

A Tins Oyle bang eaten in Tablets of Sugar , or 
drunke in wine, bringeth to women their flnxe natural!, 
and driveth out the front and gravell, and provoketh vo- 
mite : the lame taken in like manner ftoppeth the taske, 
and cureth gripings or gnawings, and is excellent againft 
cramps, and the contradion offtnews. 

This oyle being taken in meats or broths , is afove- 
raigne medicine againft all poyfons and againft the by- 
tings and ftingings of venemous beads and lerpents.This 
being applied unto the forehead and temples with oyle of 
rofes and vinegar, fwageth headach,andis very gooda- 
gainft raving and frenfie : the fume of this oyle driveth 
away venemous beads. 


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c d forfeit order to tmkt Oyler* if 

To make, Oyle of Time. 

T Hisoyle is madeasisarorefaid, and his 

vertacs arc 

Three or fopre drops being drunk with honied water, 
helpetha painfull cough, and lhortneffb of breath : itpro- 
voketh urine, and expelleth thefecondmeand dead fruit 
from the matrix: it provoketh menftrue , and dilTolveth 
clotted and congealed bloud in the bodie : being taken 
with oximell and a little fait , it pur geth tough ana clam- 
mie fiegme, anddharpe cholericke humours , and all the 
corruption ofjthe bloud i.being taken in thefaid manner, 
it is geodagaiaft tbeifa*h«v*» tbe«paine:in the fide and 
the itfeaft ?it it i^ifb-rioa4"3igamft Mattings and windi- 

n • ■ ' .1 * n i h .-iv. i J 

it is good for thofe thatarefcarfMVmelancholie,andtrou~ 
bled in fpirit and minde. . . . 

This o0cibe«goftettji&d , ; helpeth bleared eyes ahd 
paints ofthe ftmds. being dninke tnwine, it is moft pro- 
fitable for thofe tha t are troubledwith the Gout, but if it 
cha«ce that their painea be otetbdn , ye fhall give thaw 
fiv,e oi fixie drops witbadtamme of eodmelL :if yeufe this 
oftentimes will cleanfe^he breaft,andTjpe» 

' flegme, andcaufeth it to be fpitforth with eafe: thelineU ■ 
of this oyle is moft comfortable for thofe. drat have the 
falling fickneffe. 

To make Oyle ofjweet Margerom . 

■: 1 ;nyr.t r’ovr .<■ ' ■■ ■■'- 

T His oyle is made as is afonefoid , and his vermes are: 
thefe. - '• f. . . l 

Being drunkeih white wine^it is'inoft wholefomefop 
thbfe ’thatbegin tb ftilliinjfa a drojjfie^ and for fuch aacan- 
not piffc but atop, aftfei? drop,- aa*4 that with great ditficul-1 
tie . Itfis alfogood for tbofo that are-tToubled with griping - 
p.’ine* and wringingfeotf tbcihdiie t bding taken- mchc; 

provoketh woihensicaniiesi- - . - 

rh ' ' «■' 

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A ftrftft trJer t§ mah Ofiet: 

If ye convey this oylewithoyleof bitcer Almonds up 
into the noftnls, it will purge the head of moy ft humors, 
and caufe them to aede. It is moft excellent for thofe that 
have loft their fmelling, and againft all paines of the head 
beingufedasisaforefaid: it is good againft poyfon, and 
the flinging of Scorpions. 


*T~His oyk is made mtheafore&idorder: And hetoeth 

X congealed bloud within the bodie, and curetn in- 
ward wounds and brinies, ehherbyaftripeor fall,if it be 
dronke with wine : it prOvoketh urine , sod breaketh the 
ftone : it comforteth the heart, and take* away the head- 
ache. It is alio good for women with childe,t» ufe it now 
and then, fork clofetb the matrix , and comforteth the 

This oyle being often drunkeaufeth women to befruit- 
ftdlt Ifyedtitdce it with wind it helpeth the cough, and 
opencth the ftotxnngs of the liver, andlwageth the paino 
m the fide t if it be drunk with Wormwood wiliest ftopj 
peth thebkxufie flute : It is alio good againft the biting 

To make Oyte ofPenirojaU. 

T Hisoyleis made as isaforefaid, and his vertues are 
thefe. .v ; . At:.- -• •• 

Being drunke in wine , it moveth monetbly tearmes, 
bragetn forth ihefecnmHne, thedead fruit, and the unna- 
tural! birth : it provoketh urine , and breaketh theftone, 
efpecially intbeJddneis,beina nfed with purified I bony: 
itcieanf4th thelungsandbreaft flamallgrofle andthicKtr 
fattmors. This dykoejfcg mixt with bbny and Aloes, pur-r 
geth tbemelancholidcennincnir, and p?£vaileth much a- 
gwnfteramps, and the eattna&fon of finews. 

This oyle being dnmk with water and vigegar^ftoyeth 
\ the 

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o/ fetfeS *rder t» mth Oytts'. 

dihelnordinate deftre to vomit, and the gnawing pane* 
of the ftomacke, being drunke with Wine, it helpeththc 
biting ofvenemousbeafts: it is allb good againft the ftl- 
- ling fickneffe : the temples and noftrils being- anointed 
with this oyle, ittaketh away the fwiiraning paine* and 
giddinefle of the head . It is moft excellent for thofe that 
havecold and moiftbraines : it takethaway the paines of 
theGowt. The fume or finoake ofthis oyle being at the 
fecretpartswithafonell,is good againft ventofity, win- 
din efTe, and bladings, and allb againft thehardneffe and 
ftoppingof the Mother. 

To make ojle of Mint. 


.'J'His Oyle is made as is afbrefaid. 

This oyle being either eat ordruuke, is moftproli-' 
table for the ftomacke, for it warmeth and ftr engtheneth 
the fame, and dryethup all moyft and fuperflaous humors 
gathered inthefame, and taketh away all paines thereof 
andcaufeth gooddigeftion : it ftaieth alfb vomiting in 
tholethathave a weafcc ftomacke, being drunke with vi> 
neger , itftaieth thofe that vomit blood, and killeth the 

This oyle being drunke Some or five times with fome 
convenient Hqnor, hefoeth the griping paine and gnaw- 
ing in the bellie, with the ColUoke, and ftoppechtne in- 
-ordinate coords of the menftraall iffiie, being drunke 
with wine; it eafeth women which are toe modi 
grieved with hard and periUons travell inchilde bearing : 
being dropped into the eares, it takethaway the paine: 
the finell of this oyle caufeth a man to he merrie. 

This oyle is fingular goodagainft the gravell and flone 
in the Kidnies,and aeamft theftrangurie, which is when 
one cannot pifie butdrq) after drop, jfye ule to drinkeit 
inwine. j 


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■3$ A perfZff arJtr U make Of let* 

To make OjU of Ife ft. 

'*jrHis Oyle is made as is aforefaid of Camomill. Ifyeufe 
to gate this oyle either mixed with home, or madera- 
-to Manuf Cbrifti with Sugar, it will helpe thofe that 
have obflruftions or ftoppings of the breaft, with lliort- 
nefle of breath, it is alio good againft an old difficult and 
hard cough : ye muftide this morning and evening fora 
certainefpace. ~ 

This oyle being drunke with firupcof virieger, pur- 
gethdowneward tough and clammie fiegme, and killeth 
and driveth forth .worines : it hath the luce vertue if yee 
eate the fame with figges. 1 
- * 

T o make Oyle of Radi fttde. 

Ake the feede of Radifh andftampeit finall, then take 
for every pound offeede, two ounces of good Wine, 
then ftampe it againe untill it be mixed, then put it into a 
-Veflefl of Iron or Copper, and fetit over the fire,andftirre 
jt cdntinually. untill it be as hot as you may fiiflfer your 
Hand therein, and then put it into a canvas bagge, and 
ptefle ic forth, and thou fhalt have both oyle and water, 
the. foall (eparate one from another. 

• This oyle caaieth good digeftion, and provoked? urine , 1 

jhe, which is ftopped though. wdmfe and ventofitiesitdif** 
folvethwinde in the ftomacke,- afad breaketh ;thegraveH 
^nd ftone in thebladders <■ 

* > - .j .•« ■- . - • f - v > ; ■' , f ' ■ ~' r ‘ 

■ ToMakeOfapfMuftardfecdi . : :i . 

' <• . •' •: t.iJJ hr.j.-jr. r, : A-.'. J‘ •v ; :.’V 

^fhsoylei^>n^|deib.y( tthpreflGion^as is faidaforej andis 
> . excels for thofe that ..havelhejftdiie, and canfeth 
them to avoid gravel!: it provoketh womens fickneflss, 
ifyou anoint the body and reines, and within thenecke 
i^fthe Matrixe, and alfo take it inwardly, it diflolveth the 
-/ r' t Paines 

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o/ ptrfe 8 order to make oylesi 39 

painesofthe fide and mother, if you eate it with a little 
Cinamon, and white honie mixed together. 

To make oyle of Colnvortfeed. 

' ^His oyle is made as is laid afore,and of nature is hot and 
winme, and is ufed much of lecherous perlons, becaufe 
it maketh elevation of the yard, and caufeth them to bee 
luftie: being ufed in meates, it caufeth good digeftion : it 
preferveth armour from rafting a long time; it is good a- 
gainft inflammations in alt parts of the body, ana is alfo 
good againft wormes. 

To make Oyle of Linfeeie, 

'J'His Oyle is made in the aforefaid order, and w good a- 
gainft the plurifie s if ye give thereof foure ounces ta 
drinke,for itdiflolveth the impofturae prefently, andfo 
prefervethlife. It is good agamft Emerods in tne funda- 
ment. This oyle of Linfeede being diftilled with Fran- 
Icencenife and waxe, is moft excellent to diflblve all con- 
tufions. W ith this oyle they make vemilh. 

To make Oyle of Saint Iokns reort or Seed. 

'J'His Oyle is made.of the feeds by impreftion, and is ex* . 

cellent to helpe wounds, becaufe it defendeth diem 
from alteration, ahd maturation, and will not fuller hu- 
mors to runne thither. It is alfo excellent againft poifon, 
and the peftilent fever, and all evill difpofitions of the fto- 
macke : it is good againft the fluxe of the body and Erne- 
rods, and for all manner of fcabbes . It helpeth thexupturp • 
newly done, if you anoint it therewith, and; weatea 
trufle fit for that purpofe, and let him keepe his bed, and 
walke as little as he can for a certaine time : it helpeth a-' 
gainftallmaim'erofforcs,aswelloldasnew, and that it 
' C doth 

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t ftrftfl; order to m*ke Oylcs. 

doth by Hs proper 
but temperate. 

foritis neither hotnorcold. 

T amakeOjle of Quinces feed. 

'J Alee the feed of Quince? and ftampe them, theft put 
them into a frying pan with a little wine, and ftirre 
them well together, untill it be lo hot that you can fcarce 
abide your hand therein, then put it into a Canyas bagge, 
and prefle it out in a prefle, and thou (halt have both oyle 
and water, the which thou (halt feparate. 

This oyle is excellent againft all paines in the ftomacke 
and helpeth the digeftion, and diflblveth winde s It pro-, 
voketh venerous afts. It is alfo good againft the Emerods. 
and Fiftulaes that come in the lower par ts. 

. , . .. . To make Oyle ofulcornes. 

X&O^eisin^easif aforefaid, and is very reftriftive 
and driving, and helpeth thole that are troubled with 
the fluxe, if ye drinke tnereof a little, and anoint die belly 
therewith: you lhall note that this oyle is not to "be occu- 
pied much inwardly: this oyle is excellent toraakeVer- 
nilh. • . •' 

In this manner ye make oylesout of all manner of 
(cedes. : 

T 6 m*ki Oyte of T art are by difi illation. 

TAke white Tart are beaten in powder, foure pound, 
1 and put it into a ftrong vCffell of ftone w ell luted,with 
a head and receiver, and give it firft a lmall fire,and then 
increale it according to art,and atthelaft give it extreame 
fire, until! all the moy fture be comeforth, then^' ^the li- 
quor into a glaffe, and diflill it in Sal»eo f zf\d theoyie^will 
remake in the bbttome : the which thou (halt diftillor 
redifie in Sand,‘and then the oyle will have the colour of 
gold. It 

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A p(rfe& order to make Oylit, 

It is moft excellent to cure ulcers caufed of the poxe: 
for it taketh away their malice in fuch order, that, it can 
hurt no more '• being drunke with wine, it breaketh the 
ftonein the reinesand bladder, and -provoketh urine, it 
purgeth ulcers. 

Another teay to makeOyle-of Tart are . 

■ ' \ ■ i i*. 'i- o'. . 

•j'kkeTwtare, and ftaihpe it fmafl, and then put it in a 
- new earthen pot unglazed, and fet it in a Potters fur- 
nace, or furnace of reverberation nhtftl it be white, then 
lay itupdnai&^thf^eiith%d^ffi'|5feieej and- ft will 
turne into oylliT the tfaer- 

of nnxedwithtMt^^ft^ 3 bfjOTftHire8Sied Ayna vita, 
healeth ulcers quickly, if ye tditch them therewith : it ma- 
keth the face faire : if ye wafh the haire therewith,it ma- 
keth it yellow : it taketh out blacke fpottes in linnen cloth, 
andfixeththe medicines alchimicall, with divers other 
vermes, the which I will leave untill another time. 

To make Oyle of Harts Horne. 

Y Ee fhall take-a Harts home in'Sthe nwneth of Auguft, 
and file it to powder, dial boyie it ift water untill it 
be diffident, then draw away the water in “B a/neo , and 
take that which remaineth in the bottome, and put it in a 
glaile with little pieces oftiles, and diftillit,andthou fhalt 
have a faire oyle, the which ferveth for fundry purpofes. 

To difliUoyie of a mans Excrements. 

T Ake the doung of a yong fanguine cfailde or man, as 
much as you will, and diftill it twife in a Limbecke 
of gMe»This helpeth the Qntcer, andmollifieth Fiftu- 
laes: comforteth thofetha>‘ are troubled with Allopecia, 

C 2 To 

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order to mskeOyies. 

To moke Ojle of the shjtU of a m*n. 

ffHist die skull of a man that was never buried* and beate 
it into powder, then diftill away the.flegtuewitha 
gentle fire, and put it on againe, and diftill it againe, and 
this you ftialldoe three times upon die feces, and at the 
laft give it ftrong fire, untill the oyle be come forth: the 
which ye ihalifeparateby &*l*eo y and keepe it clofe (hut 
in a glafte. The dofe is three graines, againft the felling, 
fickneffe. Ye (hall under ftand, that there is alio a (alt 
tobedrawne forth of the feces, the which is of 
great vertue againft the afbrefaid difeales be- : 

ing drunkc with wine, as is 

F f K f s. 

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i / 

( ThefeconcfTart . 

Containing the ordering and preparing df 
all Mettals, Minerals, Allumcs,Salts, and fuch like: 
for medicines both intvsrdly and «utwerdlj y 
and for divers other lifts. 

The names of the Mettals,Simples 3 or Medicines 
of this Science. 

> Ere Will I weibeloved Reader, foe w 
thee for good will that thing which 
many have fought with their mo- 
ney and labour , and yet could never 
findeit : efpeciaUy tor that I' will 
not have this worthy Science trod 
under feete. Therefore wee will 
write firft of foe names ©ffoeflm- 
ples,. and then of the names of foe 
preparations, and what they are. 

S4I Armoniacke, that is a fait fb called, foe which yee 
foall finde at the Apothecaries. 

Sal Gemmc. is (tone fait, found in foe Myne as cleereas 
foe glade. 

S4 Commune, is common fait that we eate. 

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of preparing a f Miner Alt. 

yitrielum, is greene coperas. 

(falcantum, is yellow coperas, a matter like oker. 
Alumen, is Allum: but tnere are clivers kindes. 

Sulfur five, is the ftone whereout the other Sulphur 
is melted, and is greene of colour . 

Antimonium is a certaine Minerall fo called that ye ihall 
finde at the Apothecaries. 

Carrabe that is yellow Amber or Sucinum. 

Tart arum, that is Ar gill or win$ lees. 

Saturntu, that is Lead. 
lupiter , that is Tinne. 

, Mars, that is iron. 

Sol, that is gold. 

Luna, that is filver. 

Venus, that is copper. 

Mercuric, that is quick-filver. ' • 1 ' 

, . The names of the preparations. 

C Alcinatio, that is to make any of thefe mettals as it 
were lime, with great fire fometimes, and other 
lometime with finall fire. . 

V, that is to difiblve and make as It Were liquids 

like unto water, the harder tough fubftanee of any thing. 

• 1 'S.ubUmatio, that is a driving up, or afeention of tfife 
mettallJby fierce of heate into the top oi the 
that if may hang in the top of the vefiell hard and dry. 

THftMatio, that is' to tals away die moyftilre by thi 

- • that ii to fet the matter in hot water, or M 


ffixatio, that is to iublimea matter, 'to long that it will 
fiibjitnenomore f butremaine fixtjn thebottome. 

There are a numbeer of other preparations , but wee ’ 

^*11 1 a ■- ^ a. 1 i ' B . . t • i —A i % 

purpofe already. 

./ - 

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Of prtpAr'tflgofM'tverds. j.j 

7 * o prepare Croeum mortis^ and fttch like rehrch are 
prepared through calcination. 

C Rocum martis , or Croeum Veneris Gn all bee made in 
this manner: Take the lirrimall of iron , as much as 
you will, and wafh k with faire water fo long untill that 
the wat^ iPn ascleare asit>waspiitout,. then put it in a 
glafie,and put thereon ftrOng vinegar hntill it becoVered, 
and let it (land fo twO or three dayes clofe ftutt : then 
powre off the the vinegar and dry the limmall well, then 
put it into a new earthen pot with a co\ier,and lute it very 
well round about with lime and haire mixt together? 
then fet it in a furnace of calcination eight dayes and eight 
nights, fo that it may continually ftand red hot, then take 
it forth and grinde it onaftone, and if it grinde very 
imooth without any hard matter that ye can either fee or 
feeje, then it; is calcined enough : but if ye feete any hard 
matter, put if into the furnace againe two of three daiey, 
and then grinde it againe,and this order ye fhattufe untill 
it fee can bee pofitble. ...... 

T his Croeum martis being fo prepared , anjongft all Or 
thermedirineyn the world , it is the moil excellent that 
embe found againfl the bloudiefluxe, giving, it in this 
order. Take conferve of Roles one ounce, Croeum martis 
one fcruple, mixe them together, and let the patient eate 
it in the morning, and fall thereon two houres,and it will 
Hdpe him although hebadhad it nearer fo long,* of never 
fpiore. d t is alibgiyeo above all other medicines in the 
latter end of ajdropfie, and alfo ajgainft the fiuxeofmen* 
ftruc,andagamft bleeding at. the npfe,ahd all other fluxex. 
It helpeth thole that fpit bloud ?. it is excellent to Hop the 
fluxe in wounds,- and tohelpethem’and' dry them , if ye 
fir eW: the powder thereon, See. Yelhall make Croeum 
venerif in the fell fame order aforefaidsbui where ye took 
hmmall,ye fhall take the fcaks of copper : and-ye {hall 
note, that this C rocH m veneris isnot tabe ufod inwardly* 
but oaely outwardly. 1 ^ ■> ... ^ 

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Offrifimg of iMintrdti 

Of the preparation ef Alumes andSaltt] 

T A Vef*l Gemme, or common fait , and fet them in a 
calcining furnace with a imall fire,untilit be red hot, 
die (pace ofhalfe an houre,and that it crake no more,then 
let it waxe cold, and beat it to powder, and let it melt, 
and let it ftand tillitbecIeare,thenpowreitin apotwell 
nealed, and fet it on the fire, and let itboyle till it be dry, 
and ye fhall finde the fait on the ground as white as fno w> 
the which ye ihaU neale once more in the fire, andthen it 
is prepared. 

The preparation of ABtim. 

T Ake AHum and calcine it- in an open veffdl till alt his 
moyfture be gone, then make it red hot, and after a 
while put it into another pot with ftrong vinegar,and fet 
it on the fire, and let it feethedrie, then fet it on the fire 
againe till it be red hot, and as white asihow, then keepe 

This is very excellent to dry up old fores if it be mix* 
with hony,andtaketb away dead flefh without pain, &c< 

calcine VitrioS. 

T Ake Vitrioll and beat it to powder , and put itintoa 
new earthen pot that is unnealed^nd fetit in anfcven 
fomewhat warme till it be drie, then cover the pot dole 
andluteit well, that no aire may come fbrdi:then fet it in 
a calcining furnace thefpace of two houres,fothat itmay 
al waves be as red as the coals,and then it will be as red as 
bloud, then grinde it on altone,and keepe it to thy ufe. 

There is no corofive the which worketh like this Vi- 
triol calcinated, for it ye mixeitwith an unguent, and lay 
it on an illulcer,it maketh an Asker the which inallcoro- 
fivesmuftbeloofed withfatorbutte* i but this corofive 
- needeth 

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(ff preparing ofi CMintralsl 37 

fieedeth not, for ye muft ftill la y moretherein, and leave 
the Asker in the fore, for the vertue of this Vitriol is fo 
great, that it caufeth the flefli to grow under the Asker, 

. and when the flefli is enough die Asker will fall off, and 
then ye fhall need nothing but to skinne it , the which is 
not commonly foene of other corofives : therefore I praifo 
this for the beft of all corofives. 

To calcine ^uickejih/er. 

T Ake Aquafortis % if Mercuric | /.and put Them in a 
glafle, and let it on the fire in a lcarvell with fand or 
allies, till the Mercuric be dilfolved , then put it into an 
earthen pot well gla(ed,and let it on the fire to boyle till it 
be drie, and ftirre it alwayes with a fticke that it may dry 
~ the better, and when as it is well dried, put it in another 
pot with a coyer that is very well glafed within,then lute 
it very well that no aire may come forth : But ye muft: 
note that the pot muft be top full,then fet it in a calcining 
for nape with a good fire foure dayes and foure nights, 
thengrinde it to (mail powder on a ftone>and keepe it to 
thy ufe. For thou haft Mercuric calcinated, of the which 
we have Ipoken much in our pearle of Chirurgerie. 

This is excellent in all old lores, although they be never 
fo evill, for it cleanleth without paine, and liealeth them, 
that is, it cleanfeth as long as it is needfoll,and then ithea- 
leth , which is moft ftrange to fee : this eateth away alf 
dead flefh, and preferveth that which is goodand found, 
and caufeth the ulceration to heale in Ihottfpace.Ye (hall- 
note that when wefpeake of Mercuric calcinated or pre* 
dpitate in any place, ye (hall take this. 

TocalciueTartare . 

TTAkegood Torture thatis clear e and without filth.anch 
f ftampe it to powder,then put it in a foravell thatnever'? 
wasoc^ieci, $nd.fetit inthe calcining fomace, fbtbat- 

' Google 

^8 Of prtparittg of. Minerals. \ 

it may ftand buteven red hot, and there let it r amine un- 
till it beas white as ihow throughout , 'then take- it forth- 
qnd keepe it in a glafl'e dofe fhut , iintUL you reade more: 
how that ye fhall make this oyle. 

To calcineTjnneor Lead. 

*T' Ake Tinne or Lead and melt it on the fire , and when 
J it is molt fet it .very hot , then take an iron fcunjmer 
and ftirreit therewith fo long, till it come to afhes, then 
„ take that afhes and wafh it fo long till that the water run- 
neth cleare off as ye put it on, then drie it in a calcining 
furnace till that it fmoke no mo re, then nut itinto another 
new pot with a cover, that is unglafed , and lute it very 
well, then fet itin the calcining furnace againe one whole 
day with a good fire, then take it forth and ye fhall finde 
aCalxjnmahner white i bwtfomewhat inclining to ye- 
fow. The Tinne ye fhall calcine in thefelfe faihe manner 
as ye did the Lead, but when ye burae it to afhesye muft' 

f ive it great fire? but in calcining it lhall not need greater 1 
re then it was for thy Lead, and fo keepe your fire untill 
it be as- white as fnow,and then it is prepared to make Hi* r 
oyle as.wewittfheW you hereafter. ' 

To calcine fiver. 

T Ake Silver and diffolve it in tsfejttafirtujhtn cafta : 
peece of Copper into the glaffe where the water is * 
with thefilver, and ftraightwayes powre thereon a good • 
quandtifc of mine water jand then the filver will fall to the 
bottome in a Calx : • then let it ftand fo one. night , or as 
long as ye will , and then powre away the cleare water, 
and dry the Calx on the fire,then wafh that with warme 
water fo long that it have no bitter tafte of the Aqua for - 
tUy and when ye have fo done, ye lhall take common fait 
prepared as I have fhewed you before, and lay it m a Cru- 
lible the thicknefle pfa ftraw , and then lay thcreofr^ouf^ 

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Of preparing*/ Minerals, 39 

Calx offilver, and cover it with the fame (alt againe, then 
lute your Crufible with a cover that no ayre may come 
‘ forth, thenfetit in a calcining furnace with arealbnable 
fire fixe houres long, then take it forth and put thereon 
faire water, aridletitfeethe two or three Pater no fters, 
and then the fait will f eethe away , and the Calx wiU re- 
maine f weet, which ye may prove upon the tongue : hut 
if it be not fweer, wafh it againe till it be (weet, and then 
keepe it in a glafie, for it is prepared to make his oyle. 

To calcine Cjold. 

T Ake Gold and Mercuric, and make thereof amalga- 
my as the Goldfmiths do ufe to gild their filver plate: 
the which is made thus. 

f T ake twelve parts of Mer curie, and one part of Gold, 
the which ye /hall beat into very thinne plates , and then 
cut it in as (mail peeces as ye can.then take a Crufible and 
put therein the Mercuric #nd fetit on the fire till it begin 
to f moke, then put thereto the gold and take jit from the 
fire, and ftirre it together fo long till that ye may fee no 
more gold, then fet it on the fire againe , and ftirre it fo 
long that the Mercuric be flowne all away , and then ye 
fhall findeyotir Gold in the crufible like fend , "then take 
that and put thereto as much preparedfelt, and grinde 
' them together on a ftone as (mail as is poffible, then put it 
in.a glafie, and wafh it with'warme water fo long till 
thatye fee the Calx faire and yelo w and fweet upon the 
tongue, fo that ittafte nothing of laltneffe , then it is pre- 
paredsandherewith will we make an end of Calcination , 
and write of Sublimation . 

To fublime Quiche filver , 

T Ake Metcurie and wafh it with vinegar and fait a 
prettie while, then put thereon very hot water and 
Wafh it therewith, fill that the water runneas cleare off 

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.40 Of preparing cf dMiuerub. 

as ye will put it on, then dry it with a cloth and grind e it 
with vinegar and fait againe, and wafh it with warme 
water as ye did afore : this grinding and washing ye fliall 
.ufe till that the Mercuric be no more blacke,and that it be 
as cleare as a glafle,then take of that Mercnrie one pound, 
Salt prepared two pound, Sal Armoniadte fiiblimedas I 
will fliew hereafter onepound.grinde thefefalts together 
with the Mercuric, lo long till that the Mercuric cannot 
be perceived sthen put all the fobftance in afubliming 
veflell with his cover, the which hath an hole in the top: 
as I \^ill ftiew thee hereafter in the next booke , if God 
permit me life. Then let it in a calcining furnace,and give 
it frrft a fmall fire till that the moyfture bee flowne out 
through the hole of the cover of the Sublimatorie, die 
which ye Ihallknow by this meanes : ye lhall now and 
then hold a knife over the hole of the inftrument,and then 
if the knife he wet there is moifture in the veflell, but 
when ye fee that the knife is ftill drie.ftop the hole with a 
Hopple of paper, and increafe the fire a little bigger , and 
.let it Hand Co foure boures. long, then increafe the fire yet 
bigger, and let it ftand foure noures : then make the fire 
lb hot. that the bottome may be all red, and that continue 
iix houres,but let notvour fire flake,thenlet itwaxeold,& 
take that which islublimed,and grinde it on a done with 
two pound of fait prepared, analublimeit againeasyee 
did afore in all points, then let it wax cold, and grinde it 
againe with fait prepared, and fublime it againe. This 
grinding and liiblimingye fhall ufe untill the Mercury be 
• as cleere as chriftall, and as white as fno w, and then it is 
prepared, then keep it in a glaffe till that I write more 

To fublime Sulfur . 

F Irft before that ye will fublime' Sulfur, yet mull pre- 
pare him thus. 

Take Sulfur vive, and grinde it to fine powder, then 

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Of ' preparing fif Miner tls, 41 . 

fearce it finely, then put it in a pan with ftrong vinegar,, 
and fet it on the fire, and let it feethe a. whole day and a 
night, butyemuft put thereto alwayes more vinegar as it 
confumeth away, and (fill ye muft skumme off the skum 
or filth asfaft as it rifeth,and when it hath fodderiio in vi- 
negar, ye (hall feethe it two dayes in the urine of young 
• children,and alwayes skumme off the froth,and put there- 
tomore urine.alwayes a* it con fume th . This (eetbihg and 
akumming ye. fliall continue untill there rife no more 
frotb/theft putitin a glade, and walh it with’ warnie wa- 
ter till all theiftinke oftbepifle be?gone,and that itremain 
as white as any fijo.w a thensdtie it well for it is well ptir- 
gdd,.thenltake of that purged Sttlfur fialfe a pound, Vitriol 
calcined li. /. grinde thie very fine together , fo that the 
Stfifitr cannotbeefoeneithen put them in a fublimingvef. 
fell, andfet it in the fut nace, and give it firft a (mall fire 
till the moifture begone, the which ve (hall know with a, 
knife as: I (hewed you afore : then itop the hole, and in- 
create th e fire a little, and fo keepe it fixe houres, then lej 
it waxecolcf,and take that which is (ublimed, and grinde 
it withfrefo, VitHtl and (ublimeit againe as ye did afore: 
thisfebliming and grinding with fre(h Vitriol , ye (hall 
nfe tiH that the*T#^beas white as (how , and lo cleare 
as a glafle, and then it is (ublimed enough therefore keepe 
it in a glafleclofe fhutwith waJce,till that we write more 

Tofublime SaI tsfrmotttAckf. . ' 

T Ake Sal Armom*cke\u}. and ai much limall of Iron, , 
and grinde them together on a done, then put them 
in a fiibliming vedell,ana teethe itin the furnace nrft with 
a (mall fire,' and then increafe it fo that the bottome of the 
pot may be red hot, and fo let it ftand halfe a Sommers 
day, then let it waxe cold and take that which is fublimed 
and grinde it on a feone, with as much fait prepared arid 
fiibHme it againe : This grinding with new fait and fuib- 
, ” liming, . 

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4 * Of preparing »f Minerals. 

liming, ye {hall ufe fo long till that it be foblimed as white 
as fnow,and then it is prepared ; then keepe it to lublime 
thy Mercuric with . 

T o fublime Capper, which « a great ferret;' ’ 

F Irft ye mnft calcine it with Sulfur thus. 

Take plates of Copper beaten as thiane os is poifi- 
ble,and cut them in litde peeces as triggers a peny ofr 
theveaboutjthen take a v cmfiole aM put thfcrfcin Brimftond 
beaten a, finger thicke, then lay thereon a bedefthefe pla* 
ces, and cover them with Sulfur , and then lay another 
bed and cover itifafb Sulfur, againe, and this ao till the 
crufible be foil, then let it in thecalcining furnace halfe -a 
day longfttithagood flre;thendfctitwtCKecoldartdgrtad 
it upon a ftone, atidthen putit into -Aqua fort it, and let it 
difiblve t/and diftilUWay thew'ater and make ifaepow* 
der very drrt, the whichremaineth inthebottomeofthd 
glaffe and grindeft on a ftone, with faltjprepared : then 
put it in a {ubliming Veiled, and fet it in a hxrnace^md give 
firftaftaallfirc,and then give it a very ftrong^fire foure 
and twentKe hoiires i and then let « wake cold, arid in the 
veflell ye {hall findea gteene powdel* lightatndriiibtilej 
but nothing like the Copper , ; the which yeihadito fob* 
lime. Then keepe that ina gUdfedoib fttut with ware, 
for there is no better medicine in the world then: this 
for the Canker ,the W olfe,Fiftulaes,and all fuch like fores, 
for this doth helpe'th^ «[dltckiy<'ind^h^ ^ will occu- 
pie it in fuch fores, ye mnft ftraw itthereon,and lay upon 
it a wouhd-pl alfter :• ofthe wHichT foavc^fitifen hnum- 
ber miKyp^foarf.Chirargeriei'aJid irithittiheatethem 
Hriw fort foevet they be.: ImJ; ;fi// gnirnifoVilBi- 

T He-'.-*) f; 

Tofublimk Le*laudT\iu&f)<‘>’ - ; rru 


;■ fir.i 

•J* Hefe two art fubtimed VVrthi*(ft ktottrdhetf th§ 

copper : 

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Of preparing of Minerals. 43 

*0 workeas, thou diddeft with copper, faving that ye may 
not calcine them with Sulfur, but as I have ftiewed you 
afore. And when it is fb calcined, ye fhall /diffolve them 
in this ftrong water following : and when it is diffolved 
diftill the water away till it £ remain dry :then diffolve it a- 
•gaine, and diftill the water away againe,fo that it remaine 
foant dry: then take that, and put thereto twHe fo muth 
fait prcpared.and fiiblime mem together with a ftrong 
fire, arid yefhall findea white powder fublimed in the 
top, the which ferveth to the fame ufe that the copper 
ferveth for : that is in all foute .Vicerations and filthy 
fpres, &c. 

How to make the fluid Aquafortis to diffolve Lead 
and Tinne. 

T Ake faltPeter, Vitrioll Roman, and Sal Armoniacke, of 
1 each one pound, beate them well together, and put * 
them in a glafle, the which is very well luted : thenfet on 
the head with a great receiver, and lute tbe/oynts well, 
that no ayre may come forth, then give it a veryfmall 
fire twelve houreslotM;, and then increafe it accordidg to' 
art: but take good heeathat ye benotrafh with your fire 
atithe fir ft, left that all the glaffes flye in pieces : then keep 
it to thy ufe, and when ye will diffolve your Lead, yee 
muft take for every pound of Lead, two pound of wa- 
ter, and diffolve it cold, for otherwif e it would bio w the , 
glaffe in pieces. . . . » 

t ■ ■ ’ * f 

To make ayle of Sulfur Jche which it a great fecret. : 

T'HisOyle is made in this manner. Firftye fhallhave.a 
- . bell of earth, or a head of glaffe like the common State 
of Tinne, the which ye fhall hang up by a firing : then 
take a plate of Iron of a finger thicke,' and two fingers 
broad, and makeit red hot in the fire, then lay it under 
. the bell or head, and caft thereon Brinaftone, and. let; it 


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44 Of preparing of Minerals. 

fame, fo that the fame may goe withia the hell, and this 
ye fhall continue poffible a whole day,afore that one drop 
will fall: but when yefee itdrop, then continue till yee 
have oyle enough, and then haft thou a great treafure, idle 
which keepe in a glafle, for it will helpe the poxeandall 
outward fores and ulcerations. And alio {linking and fil- 
thy fores, the which will not be holpe. It is aUo excellent 
againft the Rofe, and againft the peftilence, the which ye 
muft ufe in this manner. Take water of Sotrell, df Roles, 
of Cardtu Bencdittw, of each | J.Oyle of Sulfa 3 /. mixe 
them together, and give it the Patient as foone as, hee. 
feelethhimfelfeficke,andlayhim downe to fweate one 
houre, and let him not ftirre that he may lweatethe bet- 
ter, then dry him well with warme clothes, and let him 
reft two houres, and then if he have lift to eate, let him 
have a cullus made of a Henne in this order. Yee {hall 
boyletheHenne or chicken folong, that the flefli fall 
from the bones, then ftampe the bones and all, and ftraine 
it with the laid broth, then put thereto a good deale of 
Suger,andalitdeWine, and let the Patient eate it with 
a very little bread: and then two houres after, ye {hall 
give him the aforefaid receipt with oyle, arid let him 
fweate thereon two houres, as isfaid afore, and this yee 
{hall doe the next day once, and by the grace of God the 
Peftilence {hall not hurt|hiin. But when ye {hall occupie it 
•to the Poxe, or any other filthy fores,ye lhall giveit with 
water of Hops, of Cicorie,of Germander, of each f /.water 
of Fumetorie, § if. oyle of Sulfer 3 /. thcfe ye fhall mixe 
together, and let the Patient dr inke it at {even a clocke in 
the morning, and let him fweate thereon two houres: 
then dry him with warme clothes, and then at night yee 
{hall givehim that portion in manner as yee did before, 
and let him fweate thereon other two houre$:and this or- 
der ye {hall ufe till they be whole,the which will be in ve- 
ry fhort time, fo thatit fhall fame miraculous, for his 
fores will prefenfly be healed, although they were never 
foeviil. • t 


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Of preparing 

Againft the Rofe, ye fhall take the Water of SoreU, of 
Parfclane, and put thereto 3 j. of oyle of Brimftone, and 
let the Patient arinfce it, and lye downe to fweate tbcre- 
«n, and in one day he fliall beholpe, although he had it a 

1 . T«mnk$ oyle ofVttridB. 

T^lrft ye muft have an earthen pot, the which holdeth a- 
a bout a gallon, and muft be about a foot, or fourteene 
Indies high, then ye muft have a head of gkffe, die which 
cooimeth juft over the pk, then take Vitrioll and put it in 
die poc, and then (eton the head, with a great .receiver, 
and lute the joynts well, then give it {mail fire, aslhave 
(hewed you afore in the making of ftrong water, and 
when ye fee that it will droppe no more, then increafe 
the fire a little, and fo keepe it till it droppe ho more,then 
take away the receiver, and poure out uie water, andfet 
it to agante, and lute ic fa ft, then increafethy fire by little 
and little, till thatthefome* come forth : dien keepe it 
bigger and bigger, fo that the pot may ftand as hot as the 
coafes,and fo keepe it untill that the head and receiver 
waxe deere againe, but m any wifeflacke not thy fire : 
for I have feene fire kept a whole day, after that the water 
was taken awaypnd never a droppe fell into the receiver, 
bnt at the laftit came a pace, therefore leave not till it bee 
done. Then keepe this oyle very clofe in a glade, that the 
(pints flyenot away, for when it hath loft nit fptrits, it is 
good for nothing, mtt to corrode and eat away dead fleftj. 
But when this oyle hath his {pirns, there is h6 better Ste- 
dicinein the world againft the fading fideneife and Apo- 
plembeingufed thus :Take aqHaviu perfe&ly r%&ined» 
without fiegme onepinte, Oyle of VitrkU one fpoortefifUi 
mixe them, and let the Patient driflke thereof every mar- 
ning ofWjaponefud, and he {hall be holpen, althougbhee 
have had it tenneyeeres, andtell every houre s andlor A- 
popleria ye (hall give it in the laid order. But if he cannot 
* D drinke 

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^goj Minerals. 

rinke itfo, yc fhall give it as ye thinke good, fo ns hee 
have it in his body, and presently he (hall neni, although 
he had it a long time, and were lame over all his body. It 
is alfo excellent goo d againft all hot fevers in the fu miner, 
forithelpestheminoneday, as I have proved divers 
times my felfe, and ye fhall give it in this order. Take bo - * 
rage water as much as you will, and put thereto fo much 
of this oyle, till it be fowre like Ver/uyce,and thereof let 
the Patient drinke as much as he will, and then ye. (halt 
fce-the Patient holpe, and his thirft fhall flacke, and. alfo 
bis heate. This oyle is alfo good againft all foule and old 
fores, and to cake away their ftinke, ifye doe with 
water cjf Egyemonie, tiljit be very fowre, and th^nwafh 
thefof e thg-ewith. Ifye mixe more oyle withthefidd 
water, untill it be as fowre as vineger, it takes' away 
warp ifye; wafh them therewith, and caule them to J fell 
ogt without paine . It helpes all foabbes ifye Waft) them 
foerewith, mixt with- egremony water as is aforefiud. 
If ye mixe it with Borage water, Buglofle water, and 
Mellite water, it helpes the beating of the heart, which 
hath continued a long time. . 

• . •' ' . :r. . :• I 

To mak$ water <rf Mercttrie, which P/ueafelfm wfiteth. of 
• in his books of Chirttrgerj^ 

^TAke Mercurie that is fiiblimedjAs I have lheWedyou 
: afore, and put it in a glade, and fet it in a furnace, and 

give fucba temperate fire, as you may hold your hand o* 
ver it a pater nojter while, and that degree of fire yt fhall 
keepe,thefpaceoffixe weekes, but loo ke that ye rncreafe . , 

not the fire, nor yetdiminifh it : then take that Mercury 
i jand grinde it fine, and poureit.into abagge, like nnto 
an Ipocrafle bagge.,. and hang it in a moift place, • 
and fet a glade under it, and die Mercury will 
turne into water, which keepe well: and when, 
thou wilt occupie that water, thou fhalt wet a linnen 
cloth therein, and lay it on fitch kinde of fores, as wiB not 


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i t ai i 

Of preparing Minerals, 

beholpeby no other kindeofmeanes : (brie will take a-' 
way tneir corrofivcs, and caule them to heale, although 
they were neyer fo ill. And moreover, hecauie that thou 
feak know wherefore it ferveth, ye (hall note that it i* 
good againlt all cankers , fiftulaes, thewolfe, and inch like, 
for it. helpefe them although they were never fo evill, 
as P.aracelfm writes in his great Surgery in the chapter of 
the canker and fuchlike. , 1 

; • : ii >_ .• , izi» e:nk;l 'i '< •. .! '.<.••/ nji. . % 
Tontaktiwatertffal tArmemacke. 

“T* Ake , fal Armeniacke, that is foblimed (even times, and 
,grinde it to powder, then put itinto a glade, feat hath 
a hole i»the hottotne on the one fide, and then fitt feat 
glade in another, and (et them in a moyft Sellar, andfeen 
fee fal oArmoniacke will didolve into water,, and; runne 
into fee ncather glade, the which ye (hallkeepesdofe s/in 
fee afqreiaid manner ye may make water of Alktn^\ fee 
whichjs excellent. to dry up all filthy. wounds„&c . ; : ‘ . • i 

■> ’ ) ''t ....... J 

- The order to fixe aH things that are flying. 

f O fixe any thing, is to be underflood thus. Y e (hall (iib- 
< lime it fo often, as it will(ublimehD:.!moife, but will 
lye in fet (ire, fo as the (ire cannot confiimeit, andrwhen 
ye w jlifixeany thing, asSulfer, Qtjck-filver, of Arfoicke, 
or iueh like, ye (hall doe it in this order :ye (ha]l take Mer- 
purielublimed, or Sylfer fiiblfned, or Acfenicke, orfiich 
like, and put it into afoblimipg glade, which Lwiil (beiv 
ypu divers patternes, in the next booke (God willing) 
andfot it in a furnace witha (mail (ire, and then increak 
itaccording to art,thefpaceof a whole day, andfeen at 
evening ye fhalkturm thtfjglaffe, and let it . (ublime up in- 
to tfe* other end ; and this order ye dhall -ufb with fifoli- 
niingfromoneend uiitO' another,, till' ■wifi (iiblime 
no giorl 2 the Mrhicb ye (hail; pRbv^<i4 tjminwner. Y oe 
jfhall take a little thereof, and lay iton a vfedhfttc©ale,aad 

Da looke 

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^8 0/ preparing af Miner aIs. 

looke whether it ftnoake or no, for if it fcroake it knot 
fixt, but if itfmoake not, it is fixt : but to know the very 
truth, ye (hall take thereof and grinde k to powder, and 
then put it into aerufible, and give it as great a fire tk 
though ye would melt copper, and then u ye fee there 
commeth no fmoake from it, it isfixt ; v . blit if it finoake 
away, ye (hall put it into anew fubhmingglafle, andfiib* 
lime it againe, then keepe it to tby ufe, jtilfi write more 
# thereof : for when you have your fpirits fixt, yee have a 
great treafhre, not to be bought with money, and princi- 
pally of Sulfer fixt, for therewith ye may doe what yee 
lift, for there can no ficknefiecaxnc unto mane body, oat 
itmaybebolpc therewith. Alfo Mercuric being«>Qt, k 
fuch aaescetientmeditineagainflthepoxc, efaactbclikft 
cannot be foond in the world. But ye fliali node, ehat it 
maft not be occupied alone, bur win -ocher «hing»,wbidl 
I will fbcw you in another place. The Ariaudceand <he 
fid Armnuaeks may not be occupied in any wheinward- 
ly,butoriely outwardly, a* ye fhallhere hereafter, end 
efpecially of the fait of Arfenicke. 

Tom*ke Oyle ef esfntimonie, 

I F you will make this oyle, you mu ft Inofce diligently to 
your fire, left ye fpoyle all 3 then take a retort of glade, 
and lute it very well, and put therein three pounds of 
Antimonieyxaa three pounds of fdgtmme calcined, bea- 
ten together, then increaf'e your fire according to art, 
three oaves and three nights, and lute thy receiver very 
well, which muft be oftheejuantity of five or fixegaUens, 
or more, the greater the better, and then thou /halt hove 
anoyleasreddeas blond, which is not to be' fold or 
bought for money: for ithdpeth the Canker, thp 
Nelime t Anger andFiftulaes, if ye anoint them there- 
with : firft the dead fleih will (all out without paine, and 
then it will heale, how fbrcfoeverit be, although it wei* 
forty yeeres old. 


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Of pitparfogif Minerals'. 49 

Infutom a, It is amoft excellent oyle againft all fores 
and venemous ulcers, for if ye anoint diem three rimes 
therewith, it helpes them, although they were fo vene- 
tnous as they did eate a hand broad in one night, as is di- 
vers rimes feene of the Wolfe, and fuch like ulcerations, 
that eatefo,asitfeemes adogge had bitten out a great 

E 'ece. Thefe and all other ulcerations, which will hot be 
>Ipe byanymeanes,ye fhall helpe them with this oyle 
in mortfpace/fo as fhallfeeme marvellous to behold. 

‘How ye may draw forth fait out of alt mettals : and firfi out 
ofgeld,which ii called Sal fapientium. 

F Irft,ffyouwill make fait of Gold, you fhall take gold 
filed into powder, and difiolve it in the afore writ- 
ten ftrong water, and when it isdiflolved, ye fhall boile 
away, the water, till it remaine dry, then thou fhalt put 
thereon faire water, and let it feethe therewith three or 
fourehoureslong, and then poureit away, and put more 
thereon, and let it feethe againe, and then pour e it off a- 
gaine: this pouring on and off ye fhall ufe rill the water 
nave no taue of the ftrong water, but is fweetsand when 
it is fo, give it great fire that it may dry well, then putit 
in a glade, ana fet it in a calcining fornace, an<J there it 
fhall calcine a whole moneth long, fothat it remaine al- 
Waiesredhot,andat one degree of fire, then take and 
grindoit on a ftone,untill it be as fine as is poflible : then 
poure thereon gooddiftilled vineger, and lay a cover o- 
ver the glafTe, and let it feethe in Bdlneo Maria a Whole 
daylong, putting thereto alwaies ffefh vineger: then 
y poure off that vineger into a glaffe, and put thereon more, 
and boyle it a whole day as ye did afore, and this- ye fhall 
* doe three times: then takb that vineger that yee poured 
oS^anddifttO it by Bdlneo Maria tiffitreihame dry, and 
in the bottome ye fhall finde a fait as white as (now, 
which ye fhall take and put theron more vineger, andfoc 
kid the Baineo Mdria, that it may boyle thelpace of two 
" ‘ ~ D 3 houres 

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jo of preparing of LMfaeralsl 

houres,then let it fettle a whole day, and then polite oflf 
that which is cleere, and then if there remaine any thing 
hi the bottome, it is not enough prepared : then fhail yee 
diflolve it in, vineger againe, . and diftill the vineger againe 
as I have (hewed you, and ye (hall-finde a whiter fait in 
the bottome of the glafle, which ye (hall put in vineger a- 
gaine, and let that boylein Balneo Mart* two houres,as 
I have afore (hewed you, and that let it (land and fettle, 
and then poure oft" the cleerer part, and diftill it m Bxtnea 
Mari a, and the (alt will remaine in the bottome as white 
as (now- But if there remaine any in the other glafle, yee 
(hall not doe,as I have (hewed you, till it be alLdifloIved. 

Then diflolve that fait inraine water three or foure 
times, and looke whether there remaine any (altin the 
bottome undiflolved, and if there remaine none, it is well 
prepared, or elfo not, and it is called./*/ philofiphorum, oc 
JaptentU, and when it is diflblved into cleere water, that 
die (alt may remaine very dry in the bottome, the which 
ye (hall keepe in a glafle dole there, for it is a moft excel- 
lent medicine againft all difeafes of the body, for it will 
leave nothing in a mans body that (hall hurt him, but it 
doth drive it forth by (weate, and maketh tbe Patient as 
found and whole as ever he was in all his life, It helpeth 
all outward fores, as the Canker, die Wolfe, Fiftulaes, 
and fiich like. 

This being taken inwardly, doth helpe thofe outward 
difeafes moft wonderful 1 1 for it helpeth them in three or 
foure daies, and vyhen ye will occupfe it againft fcch difo 
cafes, ye (hall u(e it in this manner. 

Ye (hall take a viall foil of Wine, and put therein two* 
or three graines of that falt,for it is (ufrcientfor any ficke 
perfon, for any kinde of difeafes, then ftop that Viall, and 
fet it in warme water , until! the fakjbe diflblved,then eivc 
the ficke perfon thereof to drinke warme, and lay nun 
do wne to (weate, for it w ill caufe him to ( weate wonder- 
folly, therefore keepe him ifromthecold in any wife, for 
^tl^^ttwillbrmghim to hj^thagame, ^though foe 

. “ ycwt 

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offrefdringof. Minerals', 51 

were a leper, fo that it come not by nature ofhis modier, 
for ifitcomeby kinde, there is no nelpe that I do know, 
yet nevertheleffe this medicine cannot hurt, nor yet it 
cannot helpe him. But other ficknefies, although they 
were never fo evill or fore, it will helpe diem. It helpes 
the peftilence miraculoufly in one day, and likewife the 
Su poxe in ihort time, giving it as is aforefaid in wine , and 

lay thereon and fweat,ana then dry away the fweat with 
warme clothes, and when thou wilt helpe any outward 
'■ i fore, thou ihalt lay thereon a wound-plaifter,and let him 

drinke the laid fait with wine hiorning and evening,as is 
laid afore, and in ihort fpace they ihall be holpen. 

The order to diftill vinegar to make the 
aforefaid falts. 

TpAke good ftrong reniih wine-vinegar, and diftill it 
J. inaLimbeckeof glaffe, and give itfirft afinall fire 
|f» tillhalfe be diftilled, then take ft away , for . it is nothing 

worth to our worke, then tafte it on tny tongue whether 
it be iharpe or no,if it be not iharpe, it is not goodtifnot, 
keepethat (mail fire till the liquor come forth fowre : ye 
* (hall note that the worft of die vinegar diftflleth firft,thet? 

diftill thatwhich is laft with a reafonable fire till it be al- 
moft diftilled, butye may not diftill it all ouite out,left it 
ihould ftinke of the fire and waxe red, for then will it not 
forve our purpofo.Moreover ye ihall note that it may not 
drop fafter, but that a man may fay a Pater Nofter be- 

To draw forth the fait of Arfntcke. 

T He fait of Arienick is a marvellous fait, but it is fhatp 
and corofive, and the order to make it is thus : 
i ^ Take Arfnicke % /.which is fixed, and diffolve it in aqtta 

fonts made of&lt-peter and allum.and when it is diflolved 
, put thereon raine-water, till it finke to die bottome, and 
4 D 4 when 

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5 * Of prefiring tf Minerals. 

when it is funke to the bottome let it ftand to fettle, then 
powre off that part which is cleare,and put on moreffefli. 
water andlet it feethe, and then let it fettle, and-powre off 
the water againe, and then powre on more : and this or- 
der ye fhall ufe untill the water come off as fweet as ye 
put it on, then calcine it fixe dayes and fixe nights, then 
powre thereondiftilled vinegar, and feethe it in kalneo 
mart* to diflolve, and at night let it fettle and wax cleare, 
then powre off that which is cleared, and put on more,and 
let it Hand a day to diflbLve as I faid afore, and then let it 
waxe cleare, and then powre off the cleare parts. This ye 
muft do three times as is faid of gold, and then dry it very 
well, and put thereon faire raine-water till it be diffolved, 
arid w hen it is diflol ved ye fhall make no more fir e under 
it, but let it wax cold, and then powre the cleare parts off; 
and diffill it in balneo Mart* untill it bee drie : and then 
you fhall finde your fait in]the ground as white as the 
mow : which is moft excellent againft the Canker, the 
Mfoolfe, and fuch like ascometh of wounds, & fhall 
helpe them thus'. Take of this fait 3 j . and put thereto*;;,, 
of VngHentum fitfeut w,and. therewith dreffe thefores,and 
, they will heale m fhort time, though they were never fb 
pldi, And therefore if thou wilt underfland wherefore it 
feryes, looke in the Chirurgprieof Pamcdfiu.. 

2~i 9 make Ojle of Metals , and fir Ft of Lead and Tin*. 

I T you willmakeoylepf thefe two Metals j ye muftfirft 
calcine them, as I have fhewed you , and then diflolve 
them in the aforefaid ftrong water ,and when they be dif- 
fblved let them ftand till it be as cleare as a glaffe, theft, 
diftillaway thewater byaLiiribecketill it remainedrie, 
whenitis drie,put thereon gooddiffilled vinegar,and 
fet it in bdlneo Mama to diflolve a whole day , , ana, let it 
boile, and then let it waxe cold and fettle, then powreoff 
that part which is cleare, and diftifl it in another, glafle, 
apd when your matter is drie»put thereonother diftilled 
r . ; , v vinegar 

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of 'preparing »f MineUls. 

vinegar, and let it feethe (b long untill it be diflolved,then 
diftill away the vinegar, and then put on more vinegar: 
this diffolving and diftilling ye ihall ul'e fo long untilfthe 
m atter remaine m the bottome like oyle, then put it forth 
while ft it is yet warme, for when it is cold it is fo tough 
as ye cannot get it from the glaffe : This oyle fo made is 
moft excellent , for it helpes wounds and fores in very 
fliort time t and moreover , theie is no byle amongft all 
the fecrets of Phyftckepr Cbirurgerie thatheals a wound 
(boner then this oyledoth, for it helps them in foure and 
twenty hoHres, fo as there be no bones broke or ait, &c. 
There is another manner of making ot this oyle which is 
better, whereof we will not write in this place. 

To make Oyle of Coffer, and ofCrocum 
mar tie, or Iron, 

T Hefe Metals ye muft fir ft calcine, and then diffolve 
them in ftrong water, thenput thereon raine water 
till the metall firike to the bottome,* then put to fo much 
taine water till it have no tafte of the .ftrong water , then 
drie it well and put thereon diftilled vinegar, and fet it in 
’Balnea to diffolve, then diftill away the vinegar till it re- 
maine drie, then put thereon fre(h.vinegar,and diftill that 
away till that the matter remaine drie; and this orderye 
(hall ufe till that the matter remaine moift in the bottome 
like oyle.This oyle is oflike vertue as the other,and there* 
fore we will write no nu^e thereofinthis place. 

« To make ojle of jQuickefilver.- 

I V thou wilt make this oyl, ye muft have Mercury fix* or 
elfo it will not fer re to our ufe:therfore take that which 
is fixt & put it in ftrong water, and fetit in Balneo, to dif- 
folve, and fet theroira head, and when it is diflblved letit . 
fettle, and then powre oft that whichiscleate and diftill it 
in ’Balneo Maria, and.your MercurieviiM remaine in. the 
bQttome,theB put foer amrynr water, and waiftft fo to ng 


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54 offr (firing of (Minerals. 

that the water have no tafte ofthe ftrohg water , Jbut re- 
maine as fweet as ye put it on : then put thereon diftilied 
vinegar, and fet it in Balneo Mari a a whole day till it be 
diffolved, then diftill the vinegar away, and put thereon 
ftefh, and fet it in Balneo Maria againe to diffolve, and ' 
then diftill it away againe : and this order ye fhall ufe till 
thatit remaine like an oyle in thebottome , then take it 
forth and keepe it in a gjaffe clafe {hut, left it ftiould loofe 
his ftrengtb. This oyle is of as great operation in ftefh 
wounds as the other aforefaid are : it is above all other 
againft the poxeto be ufod outwardly , forithelpeth all 
fores that come ofthe poxe, if ye anoint the fores there- 
with and in the fcrefaid manner : Ye may make oyles of 
all Metals, but they are not to be taken inwardly, and 
therefore I will fhew thee another order how you fhall 
make oyles of all the Metals to ufe inwardly. , 

7 " o make Oyle of Gold, the which it diFHUed through the 
helme, aud it it to be ufed both inwardly and 

I E thou wilt make oyle of Gold, ye fhall take his fait of 
the which we have made mention afore, and put it into 
aglaffe withalongnecke, andmixe theglaffefaft with 
hermes fel, thatis, with a paire of gloing tongues, as I will 
Ihewyou hereafter : then ye fhall fet the laid glaffein a 
calcining-furnace, with a firefiftemperate as though it 
ftood in the Sunne, and there ye fhall let it ftand eight 
dayes,and then increafe the fire other eight dayes,till that 
ye fee itbegin to waxe yelow , and then keepe thy fire 
in that beat till that thou foeft thy glaffe all yelow, and 
then increafe thy fire a little till that ye fee it waxe a 
^owner yelow : and When yefee that , ye fhall keepe it * 
in that heat eight dayes, and then if ye foe it change no* 
colour, incteafe your fire a litde more eight dayes, and ' 
then ye fhall fee it waxe reds and when it is indifferent ' 
ted, ye lhallincreafe your fire againe eight dayes, till that 


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of preparing of (JW literals. yj 

ye fee it a brown e red, then ye-may give it a greater fire. 
For it is fixt,andnofirecanconfume icrand when ye have 
kept it eight dayes in fiich a great beat, ye fliall letit wax 
. cold, and if ye will make this oyle , ye fliall grinde it in 
fine powder, and put it into a (tone pot , and put thereon 
diftilled vinegar, and fetit in Balneo Mari* ro diflolve 
fopre dayes lengthen let it fettle and powre off the deare 
parts, and put thereon more vinegar, and ftop the pot ve- 
rie dofe, and fet it againe other foure dayes in Balnea 
Mari* td diflolve, and every day ye ihall ftirre it two or 
three times with a fticke, then let it waxecold and fettle;, 
and powre off the cleare parts, and then put thereon frefh 
vinegar, and fet it to diffolveiagaine, and let it ftand and 
fettle untill the fifth day in the morning , then let it waxe 
cold and fettle, and then powre off the cleare parts .and if 
there remaine any thing in the pots hottome , out, 
for it is not profitable for our worke , then wafh the pot 
very cleane, and put therein the laid vinegar that ye boil- 
ed afore, anddiftill it per Balueo Mari * untill it be drie, 
and ye fliall finde the powder fairer then it was afore;, 
and then put thereon belli vineeer , and fet it to dif*« 
folve in Balnea Mart* , as is laid afore.. And when it 
hath flood foure dayes , yee fliall powre it cleare off; 
andlooke if there remaine any feces or powder in the 
hottome, and if there bee any, you fhall powre it out; 
and make the pot cleane , and put therein die laid vi- 
negar which ye pawned off, and diftillicaway per Rah. 
neo Mari* , untill that it remaine drie .'then put thereon: 
frefli vinegar , and diflolve it ,s I have fhewed you, and 
then powre off the vinegar and diftill it againe, and this 
ye fliall ufe, untill vpufuid no more (an 1 in the hottome,. 
Put that it is all diflolved,. and th en it is prepared to make 
» his oyle of, then diftill thaclaft vinegar away per Balnea 
%Mari* t untill that it be verie drie, then put it intoa glaffe 
* with a head and a great receiver,, the which ye muftlute 
together very well, that no airemay comeforth,thengiyfc 

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j 5 Qf preparing of Minerals. 

itimall fire foure houres long, and then increafe it a-littlc 
ftronger, and fo keepe it other foure houres, and then yee 
(hall fee certaine yellow fumes rifeupinto die head, then 
keepe thy fire in that degree, untill that thou ieeft the 
head waxe red, then increafe your fire a little, untill that 
the head be as red as bloud, then keepe thy . fire in that 
ftate, untill thou feeft the colour begin to flake. Then 
make thy fire greater, untill that the bottome of the 
veffell be red, and then keepe it in that flay one houre, 
and then the head will feeme to be full of Snow. Then 
make the fire as great as thou canft,juntill the head waxe 
cl^ere againeasitwasatthefirft. Then let it waxe cold, 
a nd thou ihalt finde an oylecin the receiver, the which is 
not to be bought for anymoney: Forbecaufe it helpeth 
all dfleafes in mans body, both inwardly and outwardly: 
although they be never fo evill, as the Peftilence, tne 
Poxe, the Wai£e, the Canker, CoriGimption, the dropfie, 
and the leper, if fo be it came not by nature ofthefather 
and mother. And the order to take it is thus: Yee ihall 
take a pot ofwine and put therein 3 j. of this oyle, and 
give the ficke thereof to drinke in the morning, and let 
him lye in his bed and fleepe, and then thou {halt fee his 
wonders. And iffo be that the Patient be full of evill 
humors, and thathee ihall neede purging, it will cauie 
nature to caffcfbrth either by iweate, or urine, or by vo- 
mite, ordowncward, as long as the Patient ihall have 
■ need, and then ftraitjwate&amend and waxe ftronger : 
* then if he had eate a whole Capon, and then ifthe Pati- 
ent doe purge no more by any of the laid meahes afore- 
faid, yee ihsul give it him but three daies. For if he doe 
purge more then one day, it is a token that heeisfull of 
corruption, as ofthe leprie, and the poxe,for tbofe are fo 
full or corruption, io that he cannot bee holpeinoneday 
by nature. Therefore yee ihall give it more then three 
daies, thatis thus to be underftood, ye ihall give it hint 
fo long that nature purgeth no more, andtnatyeemay 


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Of preparing pf Mtn^rth. 

fee that the patient waxeth verie ftrong, for this medicine 
vlrorketh with the helpe ofnaturealong time after, and 
therefore this medicine isprecious,and of too quickeopfr, 
ration to giVe to any ficke perfon where no need isfl^or * 
as for the W oolfe and the Canker, and fitch like ontward 
fores, ye fhall underftand, that there is need of no other 
helpe then the aforefaid drinke, as is £ud afore: and ye 
fhall lay upon the fore a cooleleafo or lint, and you fhall 
foe great abundance of foule and rotten bloud and Inch 
wecomeforAt Tlfo windiis ^|it tol^e bdeeveth 
dndthen thofe holes or fores wilt incarnate, 
j apd heafe of themfelves with- 


* v V V *’'• . r* 

» t A .1 j*. -4 k. — X s :* • 


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\ A ‘-\ : ZaN&btoi 0 ' "■ 

Printed by T h o m a s Harper. 

M. UC.XX X ill. 

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